Tag Archive for: puppy

Foods that are Toxic to Pets Header

Foods That Are Toxic to Pets

Foods that are Toxic to Pets HeaderFoods That Are Toxic to Pets

There are many foods our pets can eat but there also are many foods that are toxic to pets. We’ve compiled a short list of the most common toxic foods to pets that you may have in your home.

  • Alcohol
  • Apple Seeds
  • Avocado
  • Cherry Pits
  • Chives: Chives can lead to the rupturing of red blood cells which can result in anemia.
  • Chocolate: Chocolate is especially bad but you should avoid all candy. Including ones that contain xylitol.
  • Coffee: This includes the grounds, beans, and candy containing coffee.
  • Garlic
  • Grapes and Raisins: Grapes and raisins can lead to kidney failure.
  • Hops
  • Macadamia Nuts
  • Onions and Onion Powder
  • Rhubarb Leaves: Rhubarb leaves contain oxalic acid which can cause tremors, kidney failure, and comas.
  • Walnuts
  • Xylitol: A common sugar-free sweetener, often found in chewing gum, commercial baked goods, and peanut butter that can cause life-threatening liver failure.
  • Yeast Dough: Yeast will continue to expand inside your pets stomach which can cause gastrointestinal issues.

If your pet is suspected to have ingested any of these or any listed on the Humane Society’s website, call the Pet Poison Helpline and seek veterinary care immediately.

Foods that are Toxic to Pets Infographic

Just curious about what foods are toxic to pets? It’s best to be prepared. See our what to do if you think your pet has been poisoned blog for more preventative information.

How To Deal With Anxious Pets

How To Deal With Anxious Pets Header

How To Deal With Anxious Pets

How do you deal with anxious pets? It’s a question a lot of pet parents ask – myself included. If I’m gone for more than 6 days one of my cats gets a urinary blockage. Here are some ways you can help with anxious pets.

1. Distractions, distractions, distractions

When does your pet seem to be the most anxious? Is it right after you leave? Or when they wake up from a nap and nobody is there? Sometimes having a distraction is the best thing for them. We have a whole blog on interactive puzzle games for both cats and dogs. These toys can provide just enough distraction to get you out of the house or keep your pet distracted from their anxiety.

2. ThunderShirt

You may have heard of ThunderShirt before. It essentially works the same way swaddling a baby calms them down. The biggest downside to ThunderShirt is it needs to be on your pet prior to the stressful situation so it won’t be as effective if their anxiety is unplanned. These work best for events like Fourth of July or New Years when you know stressors such as fireworks will be happening.

Anxiety Vests for Dogs | VCA Animal Hospital

ThunderShirt Classic Anxiety Vest for Dogs, Heather Grey on Chewy, Starting @ $39.95

T02-HGS | T02-HGM | T02-HGL

ThunderShirt for Cats @ $39.95

3. Pheromones

Pheromones are much different from essential oils. Essential oils can actually be toxic to pets, but pheromones (produced synthetically) can help provide an anxious pet relief. Adaptil is the dog version and Feliway is the cat version. The dog version will not work for cats and vice versa.

The classic diffuser is great for open floor plans or large rooms as they cover 750sqft. If you have a large house or many closed off rooms, you may need to invest in multiple diffusers. You can learn more about the Home Diffusers on their website.

Adaptil Calm On-The-Go Collar | For Anxious Dogs

They also produce a collar and travel sprays for pets on the go or when a diffuser isn’t a viable option.

4. Calming Sprays

Calming sprays can also be a good option if your pet likes to hang out in one specific area. These don’t require being changed out monthly, only when they’re empty, nor putting a collar onto your pet.

Amazon.com : SENTRY GOOD behavior Calming Spray for Dogs, 1 oz : SENTRY PET CARE : Pet Relaxants : Pet Supplies

SENTRY Calming Spray for Dogs, 1 oz on Amazon @ $22.95

Feliway Cat Calming Pheromone Spray @ $20.59

5. Calming Chews

Calming chews can be bought over-the-counter at most pet stores. These chews aren’t as strong as something you’d get from the vet but provide a natural way to help calm your pet. Depending on which one you choose they may be hard or soft treats. Some brands also include hemp seed oil.


Quiet Moments® Cat Soft Chew on Amazon @ $9.99

Best CBD Oil for Pets Treatibles CBD Soft Chews Pet Treats | Your CBD Source

treatibles Chews for Dogs, varying prices

6. CBD Oil

Pet owners have found varying success with CBD Oil helping their pet with anxiety and you may as well if you’re looking for a more holistic and natural approach to managing your pets anxiety. Before starting CBD Oil make sure to talk with your vet, especially if your pet is on any medication, to make sure it’s safe to give them. There’s lots of different brands out there and methods of delivery, you’re sure to find one that fits you and your pets needs. Some brands to start your research are:

7. Consider talking with your vet

Just like with people, some pets need anxiety medication to help manage their anxiety. Pets can’t articulate how they’re feeling but if you’ve tried all of the above ways it may be time to have a discussion with your vet. Make sure you discuss you and your pets needs. Do they need a slight sedative or something stronger? Is there a liquid option if your pet doesn’t take pills? Don’t have a regular vet? We have you covered. Here’s our 5 tips for picking a veterinarian you love.

Do you have an anxious pet? Let us know how you help control their anxiety and if there’s anything we forgot @WetNosesPetSitting or #WetNosesPetSitting

Coping With The Loss Of A Pet

Coping With The Loss Of A Pet Header

Coping With The Loss Of A Pet

If you’re reading this, you probably recently had to say goodbye to your beloved pet as they crossed the Rainbow Bridge and are wondering how to cope with the loss of a pet. Firstly, it’s okay to grieve. Secondly, no matter how long your pet was in your life they made a profound impact on you and it’s okay to take time to feel these emotions and make room for them. Your pet was not “just a cat” or “just a dog”. People have been telling those who have lost their pets this for centuries (Dewey 1890-1910). Your pet was a member of your family who was loved very much. You still remember the day you brought your beloved pet home and as the years passed the bond you two shared grew. This pain of losing your companion can be overwhelming but remember, it’s going to be okay and you should never feel guilty or ashamed for what you are feeling after the loss of a pet.

Grieving the Loss of a Pet

Grief is different for everyone. For some it may only take a few days, for others – years. You may go through all or some of the stages of grief during this time in any order:

  • Denial
  • Anger
  • Bargaining
  • Depression
  • Acceptance

It’s important while you’re experiencing grief to reach out to others. You are not alone in your grieving. Talk to trusted friend or family member, a professionally-trained therapist, or reach out to one of the numerous pet loss hotlines around the country.

Here are some more ways to help you through the grief:

  • Donate to an animal related charity or to the shelter you adopted them from in memorial of your pet.
  • Write down your emotions.
  • Purchase a pet memorial – Etsy has many creative artists who can memorialize your pet.
  • Stay connected with friends, you don’t have to be alone with your emotions during this if you don’t want to be.
  • Take care of yourself. Do something that makes you feel good even if you don’t think it will help.
  • Sticking to your daily habits – making sure to shower, put away dishes, and doing laundry are some things that come to mind.

Coping with the loss of a pet is a personal process and figuring out what helps you through your grief is important. Everybody is different. If you are feeling that this is too much to bare, please remember there are always people here to talk at 1-800-273-8255.

Children Grieving the Loss of a Pet

The loss of a pet may be the first time your child has first experienced death and can be a traumatic experience. This time is when you can teach your child about grief and emotional pain and how to work through it. How you handle this process will determine how the child views the experience and how they’ll understand coping with the loss of a pet in the future. Honesty is the best policy, even when talking to children, as later in life they may feel betrayed or hurt when they understand that Fluffy didn’t go to a farm. Of course the age of your child will depend on what language you use when talking to them but making clear statements and answering questions honestly is a step in the right direction towards healing.

Here are some other steps you can take to help a child cope with the loss of a pet:

  • Allow your child to express their grief and let them see your grief.
  • Reassure them that it’s not their fault.
  • Allow your child to participate. This could involve having them help you pick out a memorial or them picking out their own. It could also be helping them to put the name plate on your pets urn if you opted for cremation and if your urn has a removable name plate.
  • Don’t be quick to rush out and get a new pet. Ask your child before getting a new pet if they feel ready.

Getting a New Pet

Only you know when it’s time to start considering adopting a new pet. Some people find the emptiness of the house to be too much and adopt a new pet soon. Others take months or years to open their homes to a new pet. There is no right time frame to do this. If other members of your household are grieving the loss of a pet, consult with them before adopting a new pet. If you’re unsure if you’re ready to adopt a new pet but want an animals companionship, consider volunteering at an animal rescue or shelter. This can help you understand your emotions and grief better and if you’re ready to adopt a new pet.


Coping with the loss of a pet is deeply personal and there is no right or wrong way to approach it. Children may have difficulty understanding what has happened but being honest with them can help them through their grief. Only you know when your heart is ready to welcome a new pet into your home, don’t rush it. Below I have included some poems I have found in my travels around the internet that have provided me comfort during the passing of my pets. I hope that you may find even an ounce of comfort within them as well:

Eyes Bright, Claws Sharp

ᛖᛁᛖᛋ ᛒᚱᛁᚷᚻᛏ,

ᚳᛚᚪᚹᛋ ᛋᚻᚪᚱᛈ,

ᛏᚪᛁᛚ ᚻᛖᛚᛞ ᚻᛁᚷᚻ.

ᚷᚩ ᚳᛖᛖᚾᛚᛁ ᛁᚾᛏᚩ ᚦᛖ ᛘᛁᛋᛏ, ᚩᛚᛞ ᚹᚪᚱᚱᛡᚱ.

ᚠᚪᛚᚻᚪᛚᛚᚪ ᚹᚪᛁᛏᛋ ᚠᚩᚱ ᛁᚩᚢ.

Eyes bright,

claws sharp,

tail held high.

Go keenly into the mist, old warrior.

Valhalla waits for you

Source: u/freeced

The Rainbow Bridge Poem

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.

Source: Unknown

5 Ways to Keep Your Pets Cool in Summer

5 Ways to Keep Your Pets Cool in Summer Header

5 Ways to Keep Your Pets Cool in Summer

With heatwaves sweeping the country it’s important to keep your pets cool in the summer. We have a few ideas you can try to help cool down your pets. Some of these ideas are great for indoor and outdoor use, others are more suitable for indoor or outdoor use.

1. Refill Water Dishes Daily or as Needed

Keeping your pets hydrated is one of the best ways to help keep them cool.You should be refilling water dishes at least once a day but if you notice your pets dish is getting low or empty, make sure to refill it. Dogs need between 0.5-1 ounces of water per pound of body weight per day. Cats need 3.5-4.5 ounces of water per 5 pounds of body weight per day.

If you’re looking for some more creative ways to keep your pets hydrated check out our recent post.

2. Frozen Treats

You can either purchase or make your own frozen treats to help keep your pets cool and hydrated. Here’s a recipe for our Frozen Apple Smoothie Bites. But if you’re not into making treats, companies like The Bear & The Rat make healthy frozen treats for dogs and cats.

3. Cooling Mat

Cooling mats are a nice way to help pets get that full body cool down during the hot days. These work similar to ice packs in that you chill them or fill them with cool water and they’ll stay cool for quite awhile. These a great to keep on hand even if you don’t plan on using them outside in case your AC breaks. Recently mine went out for a few days and it was sweltering in here. I laid out a few of these and everyone eventually found one to lay on.

Chillz Cooling Mat For Dogs on Amazon, Starting @ $35.97

4. Cooling Bandana/Towel

Cooling bandana’s and towels cool your pet by using evaporation. For these, you’ll dunk them in water, ring them out, and then put them on your pet – unless it instructs you otherwise. As your pet hangs out outside the water will evaporate and create a nice cooling sensation for your pet.

ALL FOR PAWS Chill Out Dog Ice Bandana on Amazon, Starting @ $15.05

5. Cooling Vest

Is a bandana or towel not enough for your pet? Try out these cooling vests! They work the same way as the bandanas and towels but provide the full body experience of the cooling mat while your pet can still be on the move.

SGODA Dog Cooling Vest Harness Cooler Jacket on Amazon, Starting @ $32.95

RUFFWEAR, Swamp Cooler Evaporative Dog Cooling Vest on Amazon @ $59.95

and a bonus….

6. Stay in the shade or AC

With record temperatures hitting the country, sometimes the best thing to do is stay indoors in the AC or near a fan. If you have to go out, try to stick to shaded areas.

Do you have any tips you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments or @WetNosesPetSitting or #WetNosesPetSitting.

How To Help Your Dog With Anxiety

How To Help Your Dog With Anxiety

Having a dog with anxiety can be frustrating. How long can you be gone for? What will be damaged when you get back? Are they doing ok? All of these thoughts are perfectly valid to have when dealing with an anxious dog. Here are a few tips to help with anxiety:

1. Distractions, distractions, distractions

When does your pet seem to be the most anxious? Is it right after you leave? Or when they wake up from a nap and nobody is there? Sometimes having a distraction is the best thing for them. We have a whole blog on interactive puzzle games. These toys can provide just enough distraction to get you out of the house or keep your dog distracted from their anxiety.

2. ThunderShirt

You may have heard of ThunderShirt before. It essentially works the same way swaddling a baby calms them down. The biggest downside to ThunderShirt is it needs to be on your dog prior to the stressful situation so it won’t be as effective if their anxiety is unplanned. These work best for events like Fourth of July or New Years when you know stressors such as fireworks will be happening.

Anxiety Vests for Dogs | VCA Animal Hospital

ThunderShirt Classic Anxiety Vest for Dogs, Heather Grey on Chewy, Starting @ $39.95

3. Pheromones

Pheromones are much different from essential oils. Essential oils can actually be toxic to pets, but pheromones (produced synthetically) can help provide an anxious dog relief. These products come in a cat version as well called Feliway. The dog version will not work for cats and vice versa.

The classic diffuser is great for open floor plans or large rooms as they cover 750sqft to help your dog with anxiety. If you have a large house or many closed off rooms, you may need to invest in multiple diffusers. You can learn more about the Adaptil Calm Home Diffuser on their website.

They also produce a collar and travel sprays for pets on the go or when a diffuser isn’t a viable option.

4. Calming Sprays

Calming sprays can also be a good option if your pet likes to hang out in one specific area. These don’t require being changed out monthly, only when they’re empty, nor putting a collar onto your pet.

Amazon.com : SENTRY GOOD behavior Calming Spray for Dogs, 1 oz : SENTRY PET CARE : Pet Relaxants : Pet Supplies

SENTRY Calming Spray for Dogs, 1 oz on Amazon @ $22.95


ThunderSpray Pheromone Calming Spray for Dogs, 2-oz on Chewy @ $24.99

5. Calming Chews

Calming chews can be bought over-the-counter at most pet stores. These chews aren’t as strong as something you’d get from the vet but provide a natural way to help calm your pet. Depending on which one you choose they may be hard or soft treats. Some brands also include hemp seed oil.

NaturVet Quiet Moments Calming Aid Dog Supplement on Amazon @ $13.99


Best CBD Oil for Pets & Treatibles CBD Soft Chews Pet Treats | Your CBD Source

treatibles Chews for Dogs, varying prices

6. CBD Oil

Pet owners have found varying success with CBD Oil and you may as well if you’re looking for a more holistic and natural approach to managing your pets anxiety. Before starting CBD Oil make sure to talk with your vet, especially if your pet is on any medication, to make sure it’s safe to give them. There’s lots of different brands out there and methods of delivery, you’re sure to find one that fits you and your pets needs. Some brands to start your research are:

7. Consider talking with your vet

Just like with people, some pets need anxiety medication to help manage their anxiety. Pets can’t articulate how they’re feeling but if you’ve tried all of the above ways it may be time to have a discussion with your vet. Make sure you discuss you and your pets needs. Do they need a slight sedative or something stronger? Is there a liquid option if your dog doesn’t take pills? Don’t have a regular vet? We have you covered. Here’s our 5 tips for picking a veterinarian you love.


How do you help your dog with anxiety? Let us know how you help control their anxiety and if there’s anything we forgot @WetNosesPetSitting or #WetNosesPetSitting

Interactive Puzzle Games For Cats and Dogs

Interactive Puzzle Games For Cats and Dogs

Interactive puzzles games for cats and dogs aren’t a new concept. If you have ever been to a zoo you’ll probably wonder why the polar bears food is in a block of ice. This is called enrichment! Enrichment in the form of puzzle toys is gaining popularity among pet parents in recent years. Why? Many pets lack the same daily enrichment they would receive if they were in the wild. Puzzle games are a great way to mentally stimulate your pets. They also can help slow down fast eaters to prevent scarf and barf.

Tips for Picking a Toy

  • Make sure the toy is the appropriate size: A Great Dane might not be able to figure out the puzzle, but they surely can pick it up and drop it. Effectively rendering the puzzle toy concept useless.
  • Start at a lower difficulty: If your pet has done puzzle toys in the past it’s okay to start with a higher difficulty toy. If your pet is new to puzzle toys, start off with an easier toy.
  • Experiment with what is in the toy: Some pets go nuts for puzzle toys when a specific treat is inside. Others may only use it if dry food is inside. Try different rewards and see which ones your pet likes the most.
  • Supervise when giving a new toy: It’s important to see how your pet interacts with a toy. Supervise them to make sure they are using the toy properly and to give them a helping paw if they seem to be getting frustrated.
  • Show them how to do it: Putting a puzzle toy in front of a pet may work but often times with more complicated toys, you may have to show your pet how they work.

Toys we Like

Here are 6 toys for dogs (and cats) to keep the enrichment coming.

1. Outward Hound

Outward Hound makes quality dog and cat puzzle games. Developed by Nina Ottosson these toys are designed to stimulate your pet mentally and give you a well deserved break. Outward Hound interactive puzzle games come in four different difficulties. Perfect for beginners!


Outward Hound Dog Tornado @ $24.99

2. Catit

Catit makes fun interactive puzzle games and feeders for cats. I have a few of these and have found varying success. The Senses 2.0 Digger is my cats least favorite while the Senses 2.0 Food Tree is their favorite.


Catit Play Treat Puzzle @ $21.99

Want more things your cat can’t live without? Check out our 5 products every cat needs in their life blog.


You’ve heard of this one! KONG toys are a simple puzzle game and a classic option for any dogs toy box. Did you know they also make KONGs for cats? KONG usually goes on sale during Black Friday. If you’re looking to pick up a bunch of these for a great deal keep an eye out.

KONG Classic in Red Interactive Puzzle for Dogs

KONG Classic on Amazon, Starting @ $7.49

4. LickiMat

While not as interactive as some of the other games, LickiMats provide stimulation for your pet and help them slow down when eating. Great for pets that do a lot of canned food since not all puzzle toys are designed for wet food.

LickiMat in Blue Interactive Puzzle for Dogs

LickiMat Slomo on Amazon @ $13.95

You can see more LickiMat’s here.

5. Snuffle Mats

What is a snuffle mat? A snuffle mat is designed to help mimic your dogs natural instinct to put their nose to the ground, sniff out food, and to dig. There’s loads of snuffle mats on the market so experiment with different ones.

I don’t recommend snuffle mats for larger dogs. They often can pick the mat up by an edge and shake out the kibble. While this still gets them working for the food (running around a room), it’s messy and defeats the purpose of the snuffle mat.

Snuffle Mat Interactive Puzzle for Dogs

PAW5 Wooly Snuffle Mat on Amazon @ $39.50

6. Activity Mats

Similar to snuffle mats, these toys provide a variety of ways to interact with the toy. The one pictured below by Outward Hound contains a small snuffle mat, a hidden pocket, and a loop-&-lock type enclosure. The same deal applies to this as a snuffle mat, not a huge fan of these for larger dogs that can brute force everything.

Activity Matz Garden Game Dog Interactive Puzzle Mat for Dogs

Outward Hound Activity Matz Garden Puzzle Matt @ $34.99

Homemade Puzzle Toys

If you’re feeling crafty you can make some very simple puzzle toys on your own.

Looking for more? You can check our Pinterest board for more ideas. We’re constantly pinning new ones as we find them. We also include fun, DIY furniture and gifts in that board.

What’s your pets favorite puzzle toy? Let us know in the comments or @WetNosesPetSitting.

How To Keep Your House Smelling Fresh When You Have Pets

How To Keep Your House Smelling Fresh When You Have Pets

If you have pets, you probably have pet odor. But fear not! Keeping your house smelling fresh when you have pets is easier than you think. Following these handy tips will help banish pet odor for good.

Absorb the smell, don’t cover it up

Most of us just cover up pet odor with a quick spray of Febreze but this can actually make a pet odor problem worse. Covering up odors doesn’t solve the underlying issue. You need to absorb the odors to eliminate them, not just cover them up.

Use an air purifier or pet odor candle

Air purifier’s are a great way to keep the air in your home smelling fresh. You’ll have to remember to change the filter regularly but these can be a quick way to help manage pet odor. Not a fan of an air purifier? One Fur All makes a pet odor eliminator candle to help freshen the air in your home.

Embrace baking soda to absorb smell

Baking soda has been used for years to help absorb fridge odors but it can also be used to help absorb pet odors.

Maintain the litter box

The one thing all cat owners hate, besides being woken up at 2AM to the sound of barfing, is scooping the litter box. But it’s an important task that should be done daily. Not only will the litter box be more hygienic, it’ll help reduce the amount of pet odor in your home. Some people rave about the Litter Genie, instead of using a plastic bag from the store you simply dispose of the litter into the litter genie and only take it out when it’s full.

Check out our list of products every cat needs in their life for more recommendations to make litter scooping easier.

Vacuum at least once a week

Even if you don’t have carpets, vacuuming is important to help keep the “tumbleweeds” of hair at bay. If you do have carpet, vacuuming at least once a week will help remove pet odor that comes from fur, dandruff, and whatever may have been on their paws.

Open the windows

Fresh air is good for you and your pets! Opening the windows can help reduce odor by bringing in fresh, not stale, air. This is the easiest way to keep your house smelling fresh with pets.

Change those furnace filters

It’s something you might not think about but the more pets and the more humans you have in your home, the more often you need to change those furnace filters. We change ours about once a month to help keep dust down and other pet odors.

Wash pet bedding

Bedding is great at absorbing odors. You should aim to wash your pets bedding at least once a week depending on how soiled it gets. If your pet sleeps with you, you should also wash your bedding to help reduce odor further.

Groom your pet regularly

Dandruff, dead skin cells, and extra fur can all contribute to pet odor. They also contribute to the dust in your home and clog up furnace filters. Grooming your pet regularly will help to reduce the amount of dandruff, dead skin cells, and extra fur in your home.

Invest in an enzyme cleaner

Enzymatic cleaners are a life saver. They do more than help clean up a mess. They actually break down the biological elements of pet accidents to help reduce the smell. Nomos is a personal favorite, but it’s hard to find. Nature’s Miracle is another good option that may be easier to find.

Did you also know you can use some plants to purify the air in your home? That’s right! But make sure they aren’t on our list of toxic plants to cats first. Let us know in the comments if you found any of these tips helpful.

Dog Friendly Ice Cream Recipes

Dog Friendly Ice Cream Recipes

When it gets hot outside we all like to cool down with a refreshing treat and dogs are no exception. Here are a few of our favorite ice cream recipes to try and home with your dog.

1.Dog Friendly Strawberry Ice Cream

A classic strawberry ice cream recipe – for dogs! If you can use local honey that’s even better.


  • 1c of plain Greek yogurt or coconut yogurt
  • ½c of frozen strawberries
  • 2tbsp honey


  1. Pureé all ingredients in a blender until smooth.
  2. Pour mixture into a silicone mold.
  3. Let freeze for 2-4 hours or until solid before serving.

Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe

Did you like this recipe? See the main blog page for more strawberry inspired recipes.

2. Dog Friendly Peanut Butter “Banana” Ice Cream

I love this recipe because it really isn’t ice cream which is great if your pet is lactose intolerant. Plus it’s super versatile with what you can top it with. It’s a perfect base for a dog friendly ice cream sundae.


  • 2 Frozen Bananas
  • 1tbsp Coconut Milk (or water or raw goat milk)
  • 1tbsp Xylitol-Free Peanut Butter


  1. Thaw bananas for 10 minutes.
  2. Put all ingredients into a food processor, process until an ice-cream like consistency.
  3. Serve!

Tip: You can also add freeze-dried strawberries, shredded coconut, or blueberries as a topping.

Peanut Butter Banana "Ice Cream" Recipe

Don’t feel like making ice cream? Why not try some of our easy Thanksgiving treats or our Homemade Peanut Butter cookies.

Did you make any of these? Let us know @WetNosesPetSitting or #WetNosesPetSitting. We’d love to see your pictures!

10 Household Items That Are Poisonous To Pets

10 Household Items That Are Poisonous To Pets

It’s one of every pet parents worst nightmares. Your pet has gotten into something they shouldn’t have and it might be poisonous. So which household items are toxic to pets? The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) maintains a comprehensive online list but here are some items you probably have around your house.

1. Medications

One of the top household items that are poisonous to pets. Make sure to keep medications in an out-of-reach place and locked up to avoid curious pets (especially cats) getting into cabinets. If you can, keep the pills in their original container with a child safety lock.

2. Cleaning Products

Most household chemical-based cleaners are poisonous if ingested but some all-natural products can be poisonous as well. Products that contain essential oils such as lavender can be toxic to our feline companions.

3. Rodenticides

This one is self-explanatory. Rodenticides are usually poison designed to kill rodents.

4. Insecticides

Additionally, this one is also self-explanatory. Insecticides are often chemical-based and can cause harm if ingested.

5. Antifreeze

Antifreeze is toxic to ALL animals. If you see any spilled antifreeze make sure to clean it up and dispose of it properly. Antifreeze should be kept in an out-of-reach place and locked up.

6. Pool and Spa Chemicals

Chemicals can be poisonous if you pet ingests them. Make sure pool and spa chemicals are kept away from anywhere you pets may get into.

7. Fertilizer

Fertilizer provides nutrients for plants, but they often contain chemicals that are harmful to pets. It’s one of the more common household items that are poisonous to pets. Fertilizer poisoning often happens because of accidental ingestion when a pet cleans themself after playing outside.

8. Lead Paint Chips

Lead is known to be toxic to humans, as well as pets. If you are doing some DIY are dealing with lead paint (we recommend hiring a professional however), make sure pets are not in the room and make sure you dispose of any lead paint chips.

9. Some Plants

There are a lot of household plants that are poisonous to pets. Here is a list of common household plants that are toxic to pets. Did you know that some mushrooms are also toxic? Keep an eye out for any of these when on walks.

10. Yeast Dough

From the AKC: “When a dog eats bread dough, the yeast in the dough continues to make the dough rise, distending his stomach and releasing toxic levels of ethanol into the dog’s bloodstream. The pressure of the rising dough can mimic and cause bloat, but the real danger is from the alcohol toxicosis.” This one is the biggest shock for me on the list as I had no idea, but it makes sense when you think about it.

Common Household Items Poisonous to Pets

If you suspect your pet has been poisoned contact the Pet Poison Helpline 1-800-213-6680 and seek veterinary help immediately.

Contact Pet Poison Helpline | Pet Poison Helpline

Did any of these common household items that are poisonous to pets on this list shock you? Let us know in the comments or @WetNosesPetSitting

The Health Benefits Of Daily Dog Walks

The Health Benefits Of Daily Dog Walks

Everybody knows fresh air are exercise are good for you but are these extra benefits of bringing your canine companion with you? Here’s 5 health benefits of walking your dog.

  1. Better overall health: Walking your dog can help both of you improve cardiovascular fitness, lower blood pressure, have stronger muscles and bones, and decrease stress.
  2. Weight loss: Both of you can achieve your weight loss goals with regular walks.
  3. Mood boost: Going outside is proven to boost your mood plus dogs love to be outside. With all the smells and sights your dog is sure to have a good time.
  4. Happiness boost: Walks make your dog happy! Dogs that don’t receive sufficient exercise and enrichment can become destructive when bored.
  5. You two get to bond: Especially with a new puppy, going on walks is a perfect bonding opportunity between you and your dog.

We love to walk dogs but we also understand it’s an important bonding experience for you and your dog. Consider getting a sturdy dog harness if you don’t already own one. Julius-K9 makes durable harnesses that have handles! RUFFWEAR is also another durable brand. With numerous styles you’ll be sure to find one that fits.

Dog Walking BenefitsDon’t have time in your schedule? Check out our dog walking services!