What to Do NOW to Prepare for the Christmas Puppy


Adding a new puppy to the family is exciting and fun, but can also be overwhelming, no matter what time of year. If you are thinking of combining the crazy of the holidays with a new puppy, you need to start getting ready now! There are many steps you can (and should) take months in advance to ensure this is a smooth process. Thankfully we are here to help!

1. Choose Your Breed of Dog

There is huge difference between a Cocker Spaniel and a Border Collie, so before you look at cute puppy pictures you want to have an idea of what is a good fit for your lifestyle. It is easy to get swept up in the cute puppy face only to realize a month later that this puppy has WAY more energy than you are up for.  Some factors to consider:

  • Do you have young children?
  • How much time to do you have to train a dog?
  • How much exercise do you get regularly?
  • How large is your yard?
  • What breeds are you allowed to have? (look at your state and city laws, HOA restrictions and talk to your landlord)

The American Kennel Club has a fast and easy quiz that gives you some breed recommendations. I took this quiz and found some of my favorite breeds on my suggestions. Even if you are looking to get a rescue mutt or mixed breed, it is still good to have an idea of the types of dog what would suit your lifestyle. Also consider contacting a local dog trainer for recommendations and they often know local breeders and rescues (Step 2).

2. Look For a Rescue or Breeder

Finding a good rescue or breeder is invaluable! These people can be a resource for you throughout the lifetime of your dog, offering advice and tips on pet care, trainers and more. Take your time and get to know them online and in person. Ask for referrals and do your research. There are a few different types of groups you can go to and they all work a bit differently.

  • General Dog Shelters and Rescues: Rescues often have puppies year round, but it is good to connect with them in advance to find out their requirements for adoption. You can usually fill out paperwork ahead of time and maybe get on a wait list for the type of dog you are interested in. Plus you want time to screen the rescue and make sure they are responsible and take good care of their dogs. Unfortunately there are shelters that operate for profit and have sketchy business practices.
  • Dog Breed Specific Rescues: These are groups that work specifically with a breed, or a group of breeds. They tend to be located in specific areas and often operate out of foster homes,  so you cannot just swing by, but they are an amazing resource. Since they focus on just one type of dog, they know a lot about that breed and every dog they work with. The dogs are often in foster homes so the foster parents can tell you a lot about the puppy’s personality and how they have been socialized. They will often also have adult dogs you can go and meet, in case you are still debating if the breed is a good match for you. To find breed rescues near you just search the breed and your area.
  • Dog Breeders: If you know the exact breed of dog and have the money to spend, you may consider going directly to a dog breeder. Ask for referrals and follow up with previous puppy purchasers. You should be able to meet dogs from their kennel and puppies they have bred in the past. Read up on How to Find a Good Dog Breeder.
  • NO Pet Shops: You have the time to prepare, so do not jump the gun and get a puppy from a pet shop. Puppies in pet shops are cute but they come from puppy mills, one of the cruelest animal practices found in the United States. Some states are making it illegal to sell puppies in pet shops, and in addition to it being a bad practice, dogs from puppy mills often have lingering health and behavior problems.

Take your time and do your research. That is why you are starting early, right?

3. Find Your Local Team

Puppies require a team of people to keep them happy and healthy. If you do not currently have a dog then you will want to take your time choosing the best group of professionals for you. Here are some of the people you may need in your life:

  • Veterinarian: Every new puppy will need to make checked out by a veterinarian within a few days of coming home. You are going to want a vet that your like personally, is near your home and has a similar outlook on pet care as you do. Read up on our 5 Tips to Pick a Veterinarian You Love.
  • Dog Trainer: All puppies need to get out to socialize! A puppy class is a great way to do this and also the best way to brush up on your puppy raising skills, even if you have had a puppy before. Puppy classes fill up very quickly after the holidays so you want to make sure to get on the schedule as soon as you are sure you are getting a puppy to make sure you get a good spot.
  • Puppy Sitter and Walker: If you work away from home, like to take day trips, or travel for work or fun, you are going to need a puppy sitter. Keep in mind that young puppies need a potty break every 2-3 hours (they can typically last an hour per month of age, but it varies by breed), so if you are not going to be home all day then you will need help. A good puppy sitter can be a lifesaver and help socialize your pup in your own home. Learn about our Puppy Walking Services and what Puppy Visits we recommend for vacation. We even have some clients that are home during the day, but we come in to give them a break so they can get some work done or run errands.
  • Poop Scooper: If you do not like cleaning up your own yard, or just do not have time, then consider getting someone else to do it for you. Poop Scoopers have become all the rage lately and can save you time and effort. Most come in once a week for a very reasonable rate and keep your yard shining. If you have a dog walker they might also be willing to scoop your yard for an extra fee like we do.
  • Dog Groomer: Is your pup going to need regular cuts and clips? She may not need one right away, but ideally you will want to drop by with her a few times to let her get used to the place before her first grooming.

If you live in the Fort Collins or Loveland areas, check out all of our local recommendations! Once you have chosen your team, set up as many appointments as you can. Spaces fill up after the holidays and it is so much easier to have it set and ready to go before the holiday craziness is underway.

4. Get Your Puppy Supplies

Everyone is shopping right before the holidays and since you know exactly what you need, you might as well get it in advance! You will also be able to find deals or used items if you give yourself pretty of time to search. Thankfully we prepared a full checklist of items you will need, as well as steps to take for getting a new dog.

Download the Complete Preparing for a New Dog  Checklist



5. Have Fun With the Process!

It can feel overwhelming to go through all these steps, but thankfully you are on the ball! Take your time and go through the steps one by one and when Christmas hits, you will feel on top of the world (and a little frazzled with the cute furball chewing on everything).

Let us know at Wet Noses Pet Sitting if there is anything we can do to help with your new pup!

Fort Collins Shelters in Need – Ways to Help Your Local Shelters

Our local shelters do so much for our community. They take in pets without homes and help them find families to call their own. Without them, the streets would be overcrowded with strays. However, it truly is a labor of love. Often these shelters operate on a shoestring budget and rely on volunteers and donations. Thankfully, there are some things that we can do to help.


Ways to Help Your Local Shelters:

  • Be a Photographer

You can be a professional or amateur photographer, either way, you can be a great asset to your local shelter. Getting great photos of the animals can help immensely when trying to find them a home. You can also hold a workshop to teach shelter workers how to take the best photos so they can keep up the good work.

  • Help with Transportation

Since a lot of people “shop” shelter animals online they don’t always live close by. Sometimes a foster or adoptive home may be an hour or two away. You can volunteer to shuttle dogs to their home and get a fido fun-filled road trip at the same time. Plus, you get to be an integral part of helping them get out of the shelter and into a home.

  • Donate Items

If you’re cleaning out your closets don’t forget about your local shelter for donations. They are always in need. Even if you don’t have gently-used pet beds or leashes, you can donate towels and sheets. They are used for comfort, bedding and also privacy curtains in the shelter.

  • Share Your Computer Skills

Are you good at graphic design, writing or social media marketing? Chances are your shelter could benefit from your skills. Most shelters need these things, but they are often out on the back burner for more pressing operations.

  • Check Affiliate Sales

Some places, like Amazon Smile, allow you to donate a percentage of your purchases to the charity of your choice. Check with your local shelter and see if they have programs like this.


You don’t have to just write a check to help shelters in need. Consider your skills or surplus in the home and you’re sure to find some way to help out. Then contact your local shelters and see what their needs are to get started.


Shelters in Fort Collins are always in need:


2200 N Taft Hill Road Fort Collins, CO 80524
Ph: (970) 224-DOGS (3647)

2321 E. Mulberry St., Units 1 & 3 Fort Collins, CO 80524

Shelter: (970) 484-8516
Clinic: (970) 484-1861



Where is the Closest Vet Clinic? 

Earlier this week I was out the dog park with my dog Podrick, enjoying the nice weather.  There was only one other dog at the park, a puppy that would run squealing whenever Podrick got close.  We moved to the other end of the park to give him some space and played on our own.  After a few minutes, the owner of the puppy came over to ask me a question, “Where is the closest vet clinic?”

Why is this such a terrible question?

This question indicates two things about the people:

  1. The person and the pet have never been to the vet before.Vet Clinic
  2. Something traumatic has happened recently and the animal should be getting immediate care.

After chatting for a few more minutes I discovered, to my horror, that the puppy had jumped out of his moving vehicle on the way to the park.  Normally the pup was outgoing, friendly and fearless, quite the difference from the puppy I saw before me.  I did a quick exam and encouraged the man to immediately take the pup to the emergency clinic.  Unfortunately, I had left before he made his final decision but I hope he made the right one! If you ever need a recommendation make sure to give us a call!

Getting a Dog – Complete Checklist for New Dog Owners


Bringing a new dog into the family is a very exciting time. Becoming a pet parent is rewarding, but also full of responsibility. The best way to prepare for your new dog is to have a checklist to lay the groundwork for your new addition.


Download the Complete Preparing for a New Dog  Checklist

Four Important Considerations:

1. Time: It is very important to think about how much time you’ll honestly be able to give your new pet.

  • At the very least dogs need to be fed 2-3 times a day and walked at least once a day.
  • Dogs with more energy may need even more time for proper exercise and stimulation.
  • Healthy pets should get at least an hour or day of direct attention, even if it’s just cuddling.
  • Don’t forget to add in time for grooming, hygiene, and appointments.

2. Costs: You want to make sure that you can always care for your vet. The best way is to create a budget for a new dog before you bring them home.

  • Does your new pet need to be spayed or neutered?
  • Is there an adoption fee that needs to be paid?
  • Monthly expenses such as food, pet sitting or new supplies
  • Routine veterinary care
  • Microchipping
  • Grooming equipment and supplies
  • Will you want to sign them up for training classes?
  • Beds and toys
  • Spare supplies

3. Age & Size: These are also two important factors in getting a new dog.

  • Puppies take far more time and training
  • Is your home accommodating to a large dog or would it be better suited for a small dog?
  • Do you have another pet to consider when deciding on what type of dog to get?
  • Can a large pet travel with you comfortably?

4. Lifestyle and relationship: Another big consideration is how your lifestyles will blend and the relationship you want to to have with your new canine companion. 

  • Are you active and want to bring your dog on hikes and camping trips?
  • Will your work and social life affect your ability to spend time and care for your pet?
  • Do you want a pet that will travel with you?
  • Do you have children that need a reliable and safe dog?
  • Is your new dog going to be your best friend or more of an independent roommate?


Shopping Checklist:

  • Age appropriate food
  • Water and food bowls
  • Collar
  • Leash
  • ID tags (make sure your phone number is on it)
  • Dog carrier or crate
  • Doggy shampoo and brush
  • Super absorbent paper towels
  • Various types of toys
  • Blanket
  • Dog toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Plastic baggies for waste


Getting a new dog awesome. Once you have considered all the important factors and gotten their supplies, the only thing left to do is have fun with your new family member!

Download the Complete Preparing for a New Dog  Checklist

Getting a Cat – Complete Checklist for New Cat Owners


Cats make wonderful companions and are great additions to any family. They are creatures of comfort, so if you’re a first-time cat owner, make sure to have all the essentials ready for them. Getting a new kitty is a big change for you and for your new friend. To help make this time easier for you, we’ve got the complete checklist of everything thing you need and need to know.

Download the Complete Preparing for a New Cat  Checklist

Important Considerations:

Lifestyle: While it’s true that cats don’t exactly need as much time as a new dog, but they still need love, attention and a stable family life. Ask yourself the following questions before jumping into adoption.

  • Do you or anyone in the house have allergies to cat hair, dander or dirt?
  • Do you have any other pets that may not take well to a new cat? If so, do you have a plan of introducing them to each other?
  • Who will be the primary caretaker?
  • Do you want a long hair or short hair breed? Long hair breeds will take more time for daily grooming and may have more hairballs.
  • Will work or social life affect your ability to properly care for them?
  • Does your residence allow pets and is your home suited for a new cat?
  • Would an older cat or younger cat better suit your lifestyle? Kittens take more time and have more energy, but older cats may need more veterinarian care.

Costs: You want to make sure that you can always care for your vet. The best way is to create a budget for a new cat before you bring them home.

  • Does your new pet need to be spayed or neutered?
  • Is there an adoption fee that needs to be paid?
  • Monthly expenses such as food, litter, pet sitting or new supplies
  • Licensing fees and rabies shots
  • Litter box and scoop
  • Routine veterinary care
  • Microchipping
  • Grooming Brush
  • Beds and toys

Shopping Checklist:

Once you’ve decided a new cat will fit well into your lifestyle and you can afford the cost of care, the next thing to do is hit the pet store to get them their supplies.

  • Age appropriate food
  • Water and food bowls
  • Collar
  • Leash
  • ID tags (make sure your phone number is on it)
  • Hard plastic cat carrier
  • Litter Box
  • Litter Scoop
  • Brush
  • Sponge and scrub brush for accidents and hairball clean up
  • Non-toxic cleaner
  • Toys (feathers on wands, catnip mouse, etc)
  • Blanket or bed
  • Cat toothbrush and toothpaste

There’s no doubt that cats add spunk and tons of joy to any home. They may seem aloof, but in reality, they are just as caring as they are smart. A peaceful home full of warmth and love is a perfect place for a new feline friend.

Download the Complete Preparing for a New Cat  Checklist

Pros and Cons of Adopting a Pet


At some point in all pet parent’s lives, we thought to ourselves, “I think it’s time to get a pet.” After all, that’s how we became pet parents in the first place. However, if you’re new to pet ownership, you may be wondering about the pros and cons of adopting a pet. Here are the most common benefits and drawbacks when you decide to adopt a pet.


You’re giving a pet a new lease on life. This is by far one of the best benefits of adopting a pet instead of buying from a pet store. Even if the shelters in your area are No Kill, they are still living life in a cage without a proper home. When you adopt a pet, you give them a whole new life complete with a home and family to love them.

It’s less expensive to adopt. Prue breeds and pets from the store are often come with a hefty price tag. What’s more is that a lot times you can get a bundle discount fee for neutering, microchipping and shots included with the adoption fee. All of these can be pretty pricey at the vet, but you get a better rate at the shelter. Just keep in mind that all pets come with monthly and yearly expenses for checkups, food, supplies, flea and tick prevention just to name a few.

You’ll get more exercise. This one may be true for both shelter and pet store animals, but it’s still an awesome pro. Taking your dog for walks or playing fetch gets you up off the couch and out of the house. Even with cats, you can spend time playing with wands and ribbons or catnip mice. When you adopt a pet, you adopt a new routine and that often is a more active one.



You don’t know much about their history. A lot of pets in a shelter have no real background information. They may have been left behind by a loving owner who passed away or they may have been abused and ran away. It’s hard to tell exactly what their past life was like. That can make it difficult to know if they will have behavioral or health problems down the road.


Their breed is often a mystery. If you’re looking for a specific type of breed, it can be hard to come by in a shelter. Most shelter pets are mixed breeds. But you could be searching for a while if you’re looking for a certain breed. What’s great is thanks to recent technology you can actually get your shelter pet DNA tested so you won’t have to guess what type of mutt they are, pretty awesome right?


In short, there are far more pros than cons when you’re adopting a new pet. They may make your life a little more hectic and you a little more tired, but it is well worth it. You’re not only saving a life, you’re enhancing your own. Do you have a shelter pet that you love? We’d love to hear your story and see your pictures! Comment below or visit our Facebook page and let us know all about them.

Why Should I Hire a Cat Sitter?

When you leave town, deciding what to do with your cat can be a challenge. Should you hire a cat sitter? Should you board your cat? Or should you find a kind friend to step in?

She Gets to Stay Home

Cats are the most comfortable in their own space. By allowing them to stay in areas that are familiar, you cat will be happier and much less stresses. She can maintain her normal routine, feeding times, litter box and familiar space.

Keep Her Healthy

Cats who stay home are not exposed to other animals or illnesses. When boarding a cat she will be exposed to other cats and possible illnesses. Cats can easily become sick with an upper respiratory infection, which is what plagues shelters because it can travel through the air.


Make Sure She Eats

Cats that are stressed often stop eating, leading to a cascade of health problems. With a sitter, your cat can stay home and remain as stress-free as possible.

Sitters Notice Changes

Cats can become ill quickly, or not show symptoms until they are very sick. Since you kitty will be at home, changes in behavior will easily be noticed quickly with a sitter checking on her daily.

Home Security

With a sitter coming at least once a day, your home will appear lived in and remain secure. Sitters can bring in mail and newspaper, change lights and blinds, and take care of any other household concerns. This can prevent theft and make sure that your house is cared for in your absence.


If you are considering hiring a cat sitter, no matter what sitter you use, we have a list of ideas for schedules. The schedule for your cat depends on your cat’s personality and finding the right one is important to keep her happy and healthy.


If you are curious about our services or animal care in general, feel free to contact us! We are very active on social media and you can find up on Facebook Live regularly answering questions about animal care. Join us!

A Checklist for Preparing for Your Pet Sitter


preparing for your pet sitter

You have scheduled your trip and found the perfect pet sitter, but how do you go about preparing for your pet sitter?

Not to worry we have you covered!

We talked to a ton of people and our sitters. From them, we figured out all of the steps that need to be taken to be prepared for your pet sitter. We even made it so you can download it and check it off as you get ready.

Conveniently broken down by time, you know exactly what you need to get done so you never fall behind.

When you finally leave for your trip you will be calm and prepared. There’s nothing like the peace of mind knowing you did everything needed for your furry friends!

Contact us today to find out more about our services and how we can help ease your mind during any trips you have coming up.

Download the Preparing for Your Pet Sitter Checklist

Related Topics for preparing for your pet sitter:

Is Easter Egg Dye Bad For My Dog?


Easter will be here in just a few short weeks. The stores are full of pastel candy, bunnies and Easter eggs. And if you’re dyeing eggs this year, you may be wondering if the dye is bad for your dog.  The simple answer is no, common Easter Egg dye is not bad for your dog. In fact, most dyes used for Easter eggs are non toxic.

That means, if your dog gets a hold of a rogue Easter egg one day, he should be just fine, as long as it has been cooked.  Raw eggs may contain salmonella and even though there aren’t many documented health scares connected to raw eggs, it’s always a good idea to play it safe.


Safe Dyes To Look For:

Dyeing kits such as PAAS are commonly found at the store and are non toxic.  However, if you are still feeling uneasy about using a store bought kit, you can use regular food coloring instead. It is safe to ingest and will color the eggs. However, some feel that food coloring or all-natural dyes don’t have the same “pop” of color that the traditional kits have. But pastels are in for Easter, so if you’re not comfortable with the kit, definitely go for the food coloring. 


Easter Egg Dye Watch Out For:

Ukrainian Egg Dyes or Pysanky Kits are for elaborately decorated and non-edible eggs.  These eggs are dyed raw and painted with wax and powdered dyes. So, if you do decide to decorate your eggs in this style, make sure to keep them away from your pets.



Easter is a time to celebrate with the family. It’s not a time to worry if your dog gets into the Easter egg basket  (as long as there’s no chocolate in there).  Eating an egg with dye on it should be no problem. As long as there are no special dietary factors that come into play that is. Now, it may change the color of their poop or even give them some gas.  But overall they will be just fine.

8 Tips for Preparing Your Home for a Pet Sitter

Your vacation is planned, your pet sitting appointment is booked, you are all packed, now what?  There are few steps you can take to make life much easier for your pet sitter by preparing your home for a pet sitter.

Wet Noses’ Top 8 Tips for Preparing Your Home for a Pet Sitter

1)   Secure your home.

Make sure all of your doors, windows, and gates are locked.

2)  Put all of your pet supplies in a central location.

We don’t mind going into a cabinet or two but try not to send your sitter digging through 3 rooms two find the supplies they need.

3)  Make sure all medication is in a cabinet out of animal reach.

Your pup may be great normally but when he is left alone for a couple days in a row he might go exploring.

4)  Verify that all of your information for your pet sitter is correct.

At Wet Noses Pet Sitting we use an online system that should be updated regularly, but whatever system your sitter uses should be updated.  This should include all of your pet’s care details, house information, plant watering, emergency contacts, garage code and the alarm code.

pet sitter


5) Update your information

Make sure your sitter has updated information to contact you in case of an emergency.  If you will not be reachable via your regular phone leave the information for your travel plans, hotel numbers, travel agent, etc.

6) Think about where you want your pet to have access

Close off any rooms you do not want your pets to have access to while you are gone.  Also, change lights and blinds in those rooms to the way you want them to stay.  If you want them changed to be sure to leave that information for your sitter.

7)  Get extra supplies!

Inevitably if you only leave enough food for your trip then you will be delayed by weather.  Supply your home as if will be gone a few days longer than you are planning. In case you’re delayed you’re pet will plenty of supplies.

8) Leave your pet sitter any important notes

If there are any favorite hiding spots for your cat, underlying illnesses for your dog, toilets that leak or doors that stick, let your sitter know!  Think of the unusual parts of your home and your pets and assume your sitter will run into the same problem.

Now that you’ve finished preparing your home for a pet sitter, you can relax and enjoy your trip!  Nothing makes a pet sitter happier than to know you had a great time away while they enjoyed spending time with your fur kids.