Tag Archive for: health

Why Regular Grooming is Essential to Your Dog or Cat’s Health

Why Regular Grooming is Essential to Your Dog or Cat’s Health

Keeping your dog and cat’s coat and skin clean and free of dirt and allergens is a simple way to be aware of their overall body and coat condition. Grooming them on a regular basis keeps them and their environment free of parasites and pore clogging debris. 

Hair that is dirty can get matted. Those mats can grow, pulling on the tender skin of your pet and causing discomfort and many times hot spots and other skin irritations. By daily brushing of your pet you spread their own natural oils throughout the coat making it healthier and more shiny. 

If you have a puppy or kitten this is the best time to introduce the comb and brush. Start slowly by letting them sniff the different tools you will be using. Leave them lying around in areas where they rest or play. This way they become familiar with them and won’t be afraid when they are groomed by you. Be sure to watch them closely so they don’t chew on them or ingest any brush bristles. Always offer positive reinforcement with yummy treats to cement this new experience. 

When they are tired or less energetic is the opportune time to begin the grooming procedure. Be sure you start out slowly and watch your pet for any discomfort or desire to flee. Use treats to reinforce the behavior you want as you softly brush them. In the beginning you’ll want to break up your grooming routine into short time spans so as not to stress them or create an aversion to this activity. 

When you routinely groom your dog or cat you have the opportunity to check their overall health. Eyes, ears, skin, toes and nails and the “under” tail areas are all important to understanding your pet’s general body condition. 

Brushing stimulates blood flow and your touch through gentle massage is a benefit to them as well. This can be a great bonding time for you and your dog or cat. Different dog breeds may require more bathing than others. However, too much bathing and you will wash away the important oils necessary for keeping your pets coat and skin healthy. Most veterinarians agree no more than once a week baths with every two weeks even better. 

You can choose to groom your pet yourself or take them to a professional pet groomer. For longer coated animals the standard is every 4-6 weeks. For the shorter coated breeds every 8-12 weeks is fine. 

When you groom your pet you’ll want to check the teeth and gums, looking for excessive tartar, receding gum line and growths or tumors. Be sure to look under the tongue and at the roof of their mouth as well. 

Nails are a tender subject for many dogs. Unfortunately for these dogs they have not been properly introduced to grooming especially in the area of nail care. Dogs’ nails need trimming on a monthly basis and too many owners neglect to make this an enjoyable experience for their pets. 

Many pet owners force their pet by holding them or controlling them roughly. This creates an all too often aggressive response from dogs when they attempt to touch their dogs paws.

The better approach is to patiently work with your dog using positive reinforcement to encourage them to allow their paws and nails to be handled. For dogs with an acute aversion to nail trims you will need to take the time to show them it can be a pleasant experience instead of a fearful or stressful one. 

There are some excellent ways to distract your dog once you have gotten them to accept their paws being touched. You can spread a thick sticky treat on a pad stuck to the wall or floor to distract them while you trim the nails. These are called lick mats and are very effective in keeping your pet distracted thus allowing you to safely and effectively handle not only the nails but other sensitive areas of your pet. 

With regular grooming you can identify eye/ear infections, joint pain, spine abnormalities or skin issues so that you and your dog or cat’s veterinarian can agree on the best course of treatment to alleviate pain, swelling or general discomfort. 

Both dogs and cats go through regular or seasonal coat shedding. It is during this time that grooming is vital. The amount of hair accumulated can be overwhelming for the long haired cat and you might see more hairballs or matting as they attempt their normal grooming patterns. By being able to comb them daily through this heavy shed you will cut down on the amount of hair on clothing and furniture as well as help them maintain their coat quality. 

Dogs that don’t shed very much like poodles, will benefit greatly from daily grooming and will make the monthly grooming routine much more pleasant for them. Keeping their fur well maintained in between grooming sessions will help them from becoming overly sensitive to the comb or brush, because there will be less pulling of the skin due to mats.

Cats and dogs both self groom. One reason cats do this is to help them maintain a healthy body temperature as the saliva provides a kind of evaporative effect, thereby cooling the body in hot summer weather. Dogs will use cool dirt or wet shady spots to accomplish the same thing. 

In closing the benefits of regular grooming are detection and prevention. Bathing and trimming the coat and nails maintains the pets overall coat and skin health. Brushing distributes the natural oils throughout the coat. When all of this is done in a positive, relaxing way it is soothing to your dog or cat. The added benefit is the bonding through this mutually enjoyable experience between you and your pet! 

What Is A Hairball & How To Get Rid Of Them_Header

What Is A Hairball & How To Get Rid Of Them

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What Is A Hairball & How To Get Rid Of Them

What is a hairball?

A hairball is a collection of hair or fur that has formed inside of an animals stomach. Any animal with hair or fur, yes even humans although extremely rare, can experience a hairball. Hairballs themselves aren’t usually anything to be concerned about as they are a natural by product of your cat grooming themself.

cat licking its paw

c: Eric Han

How do I get rid of hairballs?

Simply put – you don’t. Hairballs are natural and happen at least once to every cat that has fur. Sphynx’s tend not to have hairballs because they have no hair. If you find your cat is having regular hairballs we have some tips to help reduce the amount of hairballs.

Improve skin and coat health

Hairballs are made up of loose hair that your cat has ingested. To help reduce the quantity of loose hair you can add a fish oil supplement or flax seed if you or your cat are allergic to fish. This will help to strengthen the hair follicles and reduce shedding. Plus you get the added bonus of a cat with a shinier and softer coat.

Regular brushing

Especially true in long haired cats, regular brushing removes that loose hair through means other than shedding or grooming. This way the extra hair ends up in the trash can instead of in your cats stomach.

Hairball gel

If you’re doing all of the above and your cat still gets hairballs, especially during shedding season, a hairball gel might be right for your cat. Tomlyn Laxatone is one of many gel remedies on the market. Nutri-Vet, Licks, and NaturPet are some other brands but are far from the only ones. These work as a lubricant to help the hairball pass smoothly through your but also keeps the hair from sticking together inside your cats stomach. Hairball gels don’t always work and your cat might not willing take it.

If your cat doesn’t want to take the gel, apply it directly to their nose or paw. Cats want to be clean and will groom the gel spot. Thus, ingesting the gel.

Orange Tabby Cat on Chair

c: cottonbro

How do I clean up a hairball?

Hairballs are easiest to clean up when they’re fresh. Hopefully your kitty didn’t have a hairball on a rug or carpet as those are harder to clean up but it happens. You can use gloves if you would like.

  • Remove any large debris with paper towels: Removing the hairball part of the mess is the first step.
  • Use an enzymatic cleaner: Enzymatic cleaners such as Nature’s Miracle work on anything biological. This includes hairball messes. Follow the instructions on whichever enzymatic cleaner you have. Some want you to wait 15 minutes, others less.
  • Dab the spot. Not wipe if on carpet: On carpet, it’s best to dab up the enzymatic cleaner and reapply if needed rather than wipe. On tile or hardwood you can wipe up any residue. Repeat as necessary.

How many are too many?

During shedding season, typically in the spring and fall, you may notice an increase in hairballs. If your cat is having a hairball multiple times a week or more you should make an appointment with your veterinarian.

What is a hairball and how to get rid of them?

Hairballs are perfectly natural and cannot be fully gotten rid of. They are clumps of hair that have formed inside your cats stomach that need to be expelled. You can minimize how many hairballs your cat produces with supplements and regular brushing. If your cat is having multiple hairballs in a week outside of shedding season, consult your veterinarian.

Can Dogs Eat Bread_Header

Can Dogs Eat Bread?

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Can Dogs Eat Bread?

Technically dogs can eat bread. It will not harm them but bread should generally be avoided as it is widely considered a filler food. Bread is high in carbohydrates which can lead to obesity in dogs and does not contain any nutrients your dog will not be able to get elsewhere. There are breads that contain ingredients that are not toxic to humans but are toxic to dogs.

Why is bread not good for dogs?

Bread itself is not harmful to dogs unless your dog is allergic to any of its key ingredients such as wheat. However many breads contain seasonings or fruits that are harmful to dogs. Such as garlic and raisins.

Garlic is toxic to dogs but certain breeds such as the Akita and Shiba Inu are more sustainable to garlic poisoning. Garlic damages the blood cells which can lead to anemia as well as lethargy, weakness, nausea, drooling, pale gums, and abdominal pain. Garlic poisoning is not always obvious and can take days to be noticed. It’s important to call your veterinarian as soon as you suspect your dog has gotten into any garlic.

Raisins might seem like a tasty, portable treat for your dog but they are highly toxic and can cause renal failure. Renal failure generally occurs within 72 hours of ingestion but can occur in as little as 24 hours. Sometimes less depending on the size of your dog and how many raisins they ingested. As raisins are dried grapes, grapes should also be avoided.

Various nuts can be found in breads. Due to the high fat content in nuts, nuts can cause pancreatitis. They also may be coated in ingredients like cocoa or peppers which are toxic to dogs. These coatings add flavor to the bread but pose serious health risks to our canine companions.

If your bread contains an ingredient like peanut butter than it may also contain xylitol, also labeled as birch sugar. Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that is known to effect insulin levels and can cause hypoglycemia in as little as 10-15 minutes. Your dog may also experience acute liver failure due to xylitol consumption.

brown bread on brown wooden tray

c: Charles Chen

Can my dog eat raw bread dough?

No. You should never give any animal raw bread dough – especially if it contains yeast. Yeast does not stop rising until it is full, as it is a living organism, and has consumed all the available nutrients. Yeast dough will cause a distending of the stomach as it will continue to expand within your dogs stomach and can cause a blockage. But this is not the biggest worry.  As the yeast feeds, a build-up of toxic levels of ethanol in your dogs bloodstream begins to form. This alcohol toxicosis is the biggest concern.

Signs of alcohol toxicosis include:

  • Vomitting (productive or unproductive)
  • Distended stomach
  • Disorientating and uncorrdination
  • Weakness
  • Coma
  • Dangerously low body temperature
  • Seizures
  • Depression

Is there any bread that’s better than others?

During the COVID-19 pandemic many of us took up bread making. When you are making your own bread you know exactly what is in that loaf which makes it the safest option for your dog. If you need a good potato bread recipe I recommend this one from Taste of Lizzy T.

It’s still best to avoid giving your dog bread as it doesn’t provide any substantial health benefit to them. However, dogs can be picky and if your dog will only take their medication with bread it’s worth learning how to make your own.

brown bread on brown wooden chopping board

c: Debbie Widjaja

Can dogs eat bread?

Bread is technically safe for dogs to eat but it does not provide any substantial health benefits. Bread is loaded with carbohydrates which can lead to obesity in dogs. Due to the many types of bread, some may contain ingredients that are toxic to dogs such as garlic, raisins, nuts, and xylitol. If your dog will only take medicine in a piece of bread it’s best to make the bread yourself and ensure any extra dough is properly disposed of so it doesn’t end up in your dogs stomach and cause alcohol toxicosis.

Do you have any thoughts to add? Let us know in the comments!

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Can Dogs Eat Grapes?

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Can Dogs Eat Grapes?

NO. Under no circumstances should grapes be given to your dog. We know that grapes are highly toxic to dogs but we’re still not sure why. Grape toxicity isn’t only linked to fresh grapes but also includes raisins, sultanas, and some currants. But for the purpose of this article we’ll be largely referencing grapes and raisins.

Why are grapes toxic to dogs?

Grapes might seem like they would make a great snack but even one grape can be fatal. We’re not sure why grapes are so toxic to dogs. Some suspect it may be due to a mycotoxin or due to an acid within the grapes but we still can’t say for certain.

What happens then to make them so toxic? Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs. Which, if untreated will lead to death. If your dog ingests even a single grape, seeking treatment as soon as you can is crucial for your dogs best chances of survival.

person holding grapes

c: Maja Petric

What do I do if my dog eats a grape?

If your dog has ingested a grape or raisins, seek treatment immediately and contact your veterinarian. It does not matter if the grapes were seedless, seeded, store-bought, or homegrown. Nor does the color of the grape matter. All grapes and raisins are toxic.

Remember, the Pet Poison Helpline is available 24/7 at 855-764-7661.

Symptoms of poisoning

Do not wait if you think your dog has been poisoned by grapes. A dog that has ingested grapes or raisins may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Dehydration

Your dog does not need to be exhibiting symptoms before you take them in for treatment. A veterinarian will evaluate them and begin treatment if necessary.

Is it limited to just grapes?

No. Raisins, sultanas, and some currants are all forms of grapes. This extends itself to derivatives of grapes such as grape juice, nut mixes that include raisins, and breads and sweets containing raisins. It continues into raisin juice or raisin paste (which I had never heard of before writing this article). Wine may also be a culprit but you should never give your dog any form of alcohol.

Can Dogs Eat Grapes?

NO. Your dog should never ingest grapes or any grape derivatives as it can cause kidney failure. Even one grape is enough to be toxic for smaller dogs. If you suspect or know your dog has gotten into grapes seek veterinary care immediately.

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Can Dogs Eat Apples?

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Can Dogs Eat Apples?

If you’re curious if apples are safe for your dog the answer is yes! Apples slices are a low-calorie, low-cholesterol, and fat-free food. Loaded with vitamins and minerals, apples make for a great treat.

What are the health benefits of apples?

Apples are a wonderful treat for your dog. They are low-calorie, low-cholesterol, and a fat-free food that is packed with vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Mitamin E, and Vitamin B1 are just a few of the vitamins that your dog gets from apples. Plus they’ll be getting potassium, antioxidants, and fiber. Leaving the skin on the apple will give your pup a bit extra fiber.

As with most fruit, your dog will also be getting moisture. Many dogs don’t get enough water so adding a bit of fresh fruit to their diet can help hydrate them.

Dog, Animals, Apple, Portrait, Grass, Garden, Game

c: MrGajowy3

Can my dog eat the skin?

To prepare an apple for your dog make sure to remove the core as well as any seeds. But what about the skin? When attached, apples skins are perfectly fine for your dog to eat. You should not give your dog a loose apple peal. While it can be digested, it can also cause a blockage if not chewed properly.

If you would rather peel the apple slices and use your apple peels in compost you can. Your dog won’t be missing out on too much fiber by peeling your apples. So it’s really up to you if you want your dog to have the skin or not!

Are apple chips as good a fresh apples?

At the time of writing, there a limited number of apple chip options marketed towards dogs. Dogsee Crunch were the only ones I could find. Why does this matter? Many apple chips made for humans are high in sugar which can cause health issues in dogs. Before giving your dog apple chips meant for human consumption check to see if the company adds any additional sugar.

If you’re struggling to find apple chips for dogs or for humans that don’t contain added sugar try making them yourself!

How much apple is too much apple?

As with anything, too much can be a bad thing. Fruit might seem like you can eat endless amounts but too much can cause an upset stomach. Your dogs diet should consist of no more than 10% of treats. This includes apples. While apples are rich with vitamins and minerals, they’re not all that your dog needs.

My dog doesn’t like apples!

That’s okay! Many dog food companies see the health benefits of apples and have added them to their dog food recipes. That means your dog might already be getting some apple in their diet.

You can try giving your dog apple in different forms. If your dog is a fan of lamb, try Acana’s Lamb and Apple treats. Plain, unsweetened applesauce or applesauce made for dogs such as Green Coast Pet’s can be stuffed into a KONG along with other treats to be a tasty snack.

Small Dog, White Dog, Fluffy Dog, Puppy, Bichon Frise

c: grategf1

Can dogs eat apples?

Dogs can eat apples that have the core and seeds removed. Apples make for a tasty snack rich in vitamins and minerals. Apple chips can be a portable alternative if you want to use apples as training treats. If you dog doesn’t like apples that’s okay. There are many other treat options on the market. You might not even know that your dogs current food contains apples.

Does your dog enjoy apples? Let us know in the comments your dogs favorite way to enjoy them.


How Much Sleep Does A Cat Need?_Header

How Much Sleep Does A Cat Need?

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How Much Sleep Does A Cat Need?

Have you ever wondered how much sleep does a cat need? Do you think your cat is sleeping excessively? There’s a good chance that they’re not!

Understanding Why

Cats are a crepuscular animal

Cats are most active between dusk and dawn which means they sleep during the day and wake up around the evening. This is also referred to as crepuscular. Hamsters, rabbits, ferrets, red pandas, wombats, foxes, and most large cats all fall into the crepuscular classification. Because of this your cat will enjoy screaming at you at the fine hour of 2AM instead of 2PM.

Then why is my cat active during the day?

Domestic animals can shift their schedule to match their caretakers. That’s why your cat will still wake you up at 10AM for breakfast even though it’s well past dawn. Most animals don’t enter REM sleep, that deep sleep humans do, because they are still wired to be on the lookout for predators. So they’ll always have one ear open to be ready to wake up at a moments notice.

Sleep is in their DNA

Our feline companions are remarkably similar to their wild big cat counterparts. If you’ve ever watched a nature documentary about big cats I’m sure you’ve noticed how lions and cheetahs have a big burst of speed but can’t always keep up with their faster prey who can run for longer. Big cats need to conserve their energy for these hunts and while Mr. Noodles doesn’t need to hunt a gazelle, those same mechanisms of conserving energy are still in place.

How much sleep does a cat need?

Cats need an average of 12-16 hours a day but some days your kitty can sleep up to 20 hours. If the weather is gloomy, just like humans, you might find your cat laying low and sleeping more. This is also true if you have an older, arthritic pet where the changes in air pressure can make their joints ache.

Sleeping too much or to little?

What if my cat isn’t getting enough sleep?

If your cat isn’t getting enough sleep it’s time to talk to your veterinarian. You cat could be suffering from anxiety due to changes in the house that don’t allow them to sleep. Or it could be a sign of another health issue. You might also not think your cat is getting enough sleep when in fact they are. Cats are well, cats. They sleep whenever they please and they most likely won’t sleep for the full 12-16 hours at once.

What if my cat is sleeping too much?

It’s also time to visit a veterinarian if you feel your cat is sleeping too much. As our cats age, just like people, they tend to sleep more. Or if your cat has recently had surgery and is recovering you can expect them to be sleeping for longer periods. They may also sleep more if you’ve had a lifestyle change, moved houses, new baby, or even rearranged your furniture. If your cat is suddenly sleeping more and you can’t think of a reason it’s time for a vet appointment.

How many hours does your cat sleep? Are they are 12 hour kind of cat or a 20 hour? Let us know in the comments as we’d love to hear about your cats.

Where are Emergency Vet Clinics in Boulder?

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Where are Emergency Vet Clinics in Boulder?

Considering getting a pet but want to know where the Boulder, Colorado emergency vet clinics are? Hopefully, you never have the need for an emergency veterinary clinic, but often accidents and emergencies happen during the hours when your normal clinic is closed, or busy. First off, knowing the times when you might need an emergency clinic is important. Here are some symptoms to watch out for:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Profound weakness or collapse
  • Seizures
  • Obvious signs of trauma
  • Protracted vomiting/diarrhea (especially if bloody)
  • Signs of pain or extreme restlessness and vocalization
  • Ingestion of a toxin
  • Hindquarter paralysis
  • Abnormal urination

Emergency veterinary clinics in the Boulder, Colorado area

Boulder Emergency Pet Clinic

  • 1658 30th St, Boulder, CO  80301
  • (303) 440-7722
  • 24/7 emergency care


CASE – Colorado Animal Specialty & Emergency

  • 2972 Iris Ave, Boulder, CO  80301
  • (303) 545-2273
  • 24/7 emergency care



Boulder Road Veterinary Specialists

  • 2000 W South Boulder Rd, Lafayette, CO 80026
  • (720) 699-7766
  • 24/7 emergency care
  • Speciality care


Always be prepared in case of an emergency

It is important to know your closest Boulder, Colorado emergency vet clinic, and the one your veterinarian prefers. Program their information into your phone and call them when needed!

Also, never leave your pets unattended for extended periods of time. Even the most relaxed pet can get into mischief if they are bored. Hire a pet sitter when you’re going out of town or on an extra-long day trip. We’d love to set you up with one of our awesome Wet Noses Pet Sitters to help ensure that your pet is safe. Just give us a call any time you need it!

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Pet Safety Tips for Valentine’s Day 2022

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Pet Safety Tips for Valentine’s Day 2022

Valentine’s Day is the romantic holiday of the year but it’s filled with dangerous things for our pets. The last thing you need is an emergency trip to the vet. Here are our pet safety tips for Valentine’s Day.


Keep candles out of reach.

Candles can cause burnt paws, missing fur, or scorched whiskers. As tempting as it might be to decorate with loads of candles our pets don’t understand what fire is and that they can hurt themselves. If you want to light a bunch of candles to set the mood, consider using battery powered candles. If you must use real candles make sure your pet is confined to an area where there are no lit candles.

Chocolate is a no no.

Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, is highly toxic to our pets. Don’t share any with your pets and if you drop any, make sure to pick it up right away. If you want to share some of those chocolate covered strawberries with your pet, consider this dog-friendly carob recipe from dogcancerblog.com. If you plan on substituting the almond butter for peanut butter make sure it does not contain any xylitol. As a general rule, candy should be kept away from pets.

Keep flowers out of reach.

Many flowers are toxic to pets. Those that aren’t toxic may have thorns, such as roses. Roses tend to only cause an upset tummy if only the flower part in ingested. Thorns can cause much more damage. Keep flowers out of reach or consider telling your date ahead of time that you do not want flowers.


Stuffed animals can be a choking hazard.

Are you lucky enough to get one of those Costco bears? First, congratulations! Secondly, stuffing inside of stuffed animal can pose a choking hazard if your pet mistakes it for one of their toys. Additionally, some stuffed animals have small, hard parts such as the nose that if chewed off could also turn into a choking hazard.

Careful with alcohol.

Dogs and cats are curious and if left unattended, that half drunk cocktail might end up in your pets mouth. Don’t leave out half drunk drinks or bottles that are open.

Throw away all packaging.

Valentine’s Day is a day for gifts. Dispose of all packaging in a bin your pet cannot get into. Small plastic pieces can become a choking hazard. If you get balloons as part of your gift put them into a room you can keep your pet out of. Balloon strings, ribbons, and tape are all ribbon-like materials that can easily get tangled in your pets intestines.


What are your tips for keeping your pets safe on Valentine’s Day? Let us know in the comments.

Have a safe and fun Valentine’s Day!

5 Items In Your Kitchen That Are Poisonous To Dogs_Header

5 Items In Your Kitchen That Are Poisonous To Dogs

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5 Items In Your Kitchen That Are Poisonous To Dogs

When sitting down to write about items in your kitchen that are poisonous to dogs, I stood in the middle of mine and took an inventory. There are a lot of things that are found in our kitchens that are poisonous but how often do you really have cherries in your kitchen? They’re probably not a staple. Here are 5 items in your kitchen that are poisonous to dogs that I keep on hand.

Minced Garlic

Amazon.com : Spice World, Minced Garlic, 4.5 Oz : Grocery & Gourmet Food

It’s easier than pressing my own garlic but extremely toxic to dogs. It does take more than a single piece of minced garlic to be toxic but studies have found that 15 to 30g of garlic per 1 kilogram (that’s a little over 2lbs) of body weight is enough to be toxic. Garlic toxicity can cause vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and dehydration. On a more extreme end it can cause damage to red blood cells, resulting in hemolytic anemia.

Bowl of Chocolate Candy

Confectionery, Chocolate, Dark, Whole Milk, Cute

Reece’s Cups are delicious to humans but not to dogs. Chocolate in large amounts can be deadly to pets. Some chocolate candy that contains peanut butter may also contain xylitol which is equally as deadly. The darker the chocolate the worse it is for your pets to have. Dark chocolate contains higher levels of theobromine which dogs cannot metabolize effectively.


Wines, Glasses, Wine Glasses, Stemware, Glassware

You may have some bottles of alcohol in your kitchen if you enjoy a drink every now and then, or if you cook with it. Grapes are also extremely toxic to dogs. Even one grape can be enough to be fatal by potentially causing sudden kidney failure. While we don’t know exactly why grapes (and raisins) are so toxic to dogs they should never be given to a dog.

Caffeinated Drinks

Coca-Cola, Water, Ice, Soda

This isn’t just limited to soda but coffee and caffeinated teas. You’d be shocked about how many things actually contain caffeine. If you ever spill anything that contains caffeine make sure to clean it up right away. Bonus Fact: Cleaning up soda ASAP is important to help prevent ants. Ants are not only annoying but they can carry a variety of diseases with them and they can get into tiny spaces – like dog food containers.


Pills, Medication, Tablets, Bottle, Drugs, Drugstore

I keep my medications in a medicine cabinet in the kitchen. Why do I keep medications in there? So they’re in a centralized source that doesn’t require having to get them from the bathroom. It’s very handy when you need a Tylenol and somebody is taking an hour-long shower. Highly recommend. If you too have a medicine cabinet in your kitchen make sure it’s one of your higher cabinets. Keep medications in their original packaging. Original packaging is usually child-proof and subsequently slightly more dog proof. If you can’t keep it in its original packaging put it in a secure container on a higher shelf.

Items in your Kitchen that are Poisonous to Dogs Infographic


What to do if you suspect your pet has gotten into something they shouldn’t.

Seek emergency veterinary care immediately if you suspect your pet has been poisoned or if you have seen them getting into something that they shouldn’t. It’s always better to take them to the vet and be told that they didn’t ingest anything rather than waiting and it being too late.

What of these common kitchen items do you have in your kitchen? Are there any big ones we missed? Let us know in the comments. We’d love to hear your thoughts.

How Many Times A Day Should You Walk Your Dog? Header

How Many Times A Day Should You Walk Your Dog?

How Many Times A Day Should You Walk Your Dog? Header

How Many Times A Day Should You Walk Your Dog?

Every dog is different when it comes to how many times a day you should walk your dog.

A general rule of thumb is you should walk your dog

three to four times a day for at least 15 minutes

It might seem like a lot but we’re going to break it down for you since it’s different for every dog. Some factors that will influence how often you need to walk your dog are:

  • Health
  • Age
  • Physical athleticism
  • General activity level
  • Your general lifestyle

For smaller dogs, usually one walk a day is plenty but this depends on their breed. Breeds like jack russell terriers are known for their high energy so one walk might not be enough for that breed. With dogs that tend to have shorter noses or brachycephalic breeds – like pugs or french bulldogs weather is a huge factor when determining how many times a day you should walk your dog. Dogs that are brachycephalic tend to overheat more easily and should be kept indoors on hot days.

For larger or more high energy, high activity level you are really going to need those three to four walks. Especially if walking is the only activity your dog is getting. You can cut this number back if your dog is playing out in the yard, going to doggy-daycare, playing ball, or doing other activities.

I just can’t keep up!

If you have a high energy dog that needs a lot of exercise but are finding it difficult to keep up with them there are still things you can do!

  • Puzzle toys
  • Agility training
  • Rally
  • Obedience training

All of these things are designed to stimulate your dog. Remember, a tired dog is a happy dog.

Why does any of this matter?

Walks reduce boredom, destructive chewing, and scratching. It also gives them something to mentally stimulate them with all the smells and sights. Remember, we are leaving our houses fairly often but dogs don’t get to leave unless we take them with us. And remember, walks are not only great for your dog but they’re good for your health as well! Walks have been shown to decrease blood pressure, increase bone strength, loosen muscles, lower diabetes risk, and more.

Still can’t get those three to four walks in? We’re here to help! We’d love to discuss our dog walking services with you and find a plan that works for you and your pets.