Herding Tips


As many pet parents know, a bored dog can become a naughty dog. Many behavioral issues can be related to boredom. It is important to keep in mind that most dogs were bred to have a job, like herding sheep or retrieving ducks. Without a job, they have lots of unused energy and brain space. You can capitalize on the job your dog is bred for to keep him entertained. With a few herding tips, you’re dog can easily be on the way to a more fulfilling life!

This article is going to talk about herding and similar activities. Most herding breed dogs and mixes of herded breed dogs show herding tendencies (like nipping heels,grabbing pant legs and pushing their body into you).My Australian shepherds, when bored, have taken up herding humans. This, while entertaining to watch, is not fun when your heels get nipped. So we decided to channel those instincts into herding tips and classes.


Herding is gathering animals into a large group and moving that group. Dogs can herd pretty much any animal, but common ones are sheep and ducks.Most of the dog breeds have a herding style specific to their breed which is usually hard to see at home, but is very easy to spot while they are working. For example australian shepherds herd by nipping the animals heels and leaning their body into the animal. While most dogs have an instinct to herd, they do still need to be trained in order to keep the dog and animals safe.

Most dog owners do not have the experience to train their dog to herd, so you can go to a herding trainer and take classes. Asking around in the local dog community will usually turn up a trainer but the AKC also has a list of herding clubs per state.

If you cannot find a herding trainer near you there is Treiball.


Treiball is a herding game. Instead of herding sheep the dog herds large balls. In treiball you and your dog herd the balls into a soccer net. In competitions the team who does this the fastest wins, but at home you can play however you would like.The dog can use his nose or body to move the ball. One of the benefits of treibball is that you can do it in your own backyard and can (likely) train your dog your own. It is also a great way to work with your dog as a team. There is lots of information on the game and how to train your dog online. This may not be a good option if you have a dog who loves balls, as the large balls can be very fun to bite and pop.

These are two good options to put your dog to work, and keep him entertained. Hopefully you will notice a big change in your now working dog, in my case it was less nipped heels.

Homemade Dog Treats Recipe


Most dogs love treats, but if you have a picky dog finding the right treat can be a challenge. This recipe is for some delicious homemade dog treats. You can make this recipe as is, or add in flavors your dog likes.

So here is the basic recipe.


  • Water or Milk
  • Peanut butter
  • Baking powder
  • Flour

* Make sure the peanut butter is dog safe ( does not contain xylitol)

*For a lower fat option use water or skim milk


  1. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees, and grease a baking sheet
  2. Mix 1 cup liquid and 1 cup peanut butter in a bowl until it is well combined
  3. In another bowl mix a tablespoon of baking powder with 2 cups of flour
  4. Add the powder to the liquid mix, and mix it together
  5. Take a tablespoon of dough and roll it into a ball
  6. Place the dough ball on the baking sheet
  7. Bake the treats for 10-15 minutes

So this is the basic recipe but you can add things in to vary the treats and to suit your dog’s taste

Possible add-ins:

  • Herbs (mint, parsley, rosemary, oregano)
  • Veggies (carrots, broccoli, green beans, peas)
  • Fruit (blueberries, banana, apple)
  • Pre-cooked meat (hot dog bits, chicken shreds)

For add-ins, cut them so that each piece is less than a 1/4 inch in length

*Add-ins should all be dog-safe foods

Try lots of variations on this recipe to find the one that your dog likes best. With a few add-ins and some experimentation, these homemade dog treats should suite the even the most discerning canine palette.

Beginner’s Guide to Cat Behavior


If you grew up with dogs, cats can be an alien species. Dogs are (generally) really easy to read. They wag their tail, lick you and jump when they are happy. Cats? They purr. Sometimes.

So here is a beginner’s guide for how to speak cat, for dog people.


My best tip for getting along with cats is to ignore them until they come to you. Trying to pet a cat when he isn’t ready is a great way to get hissed at. When the cat is ready he will come out and say hi.

How do cats say hello?

Most cats will not come bounding up to you when you walk into the home. Generally they will observe the situation then come and check you out (if they want). Let the cat rub his head or body on you before you try to pet him.

What it mean when a cat rubs his head or body on me?

This behavior is called allorubbing. It is when a cat rubs himself on another cat or person. Cats have scent glands all over their body. There are glands by the ears, on the edges of the mouth, and by the temples. So when a cat rubs his head or body on you, he is scent marking you. This is not the dog equivalent of peeing to mark their scent. Cat scent rubbing means hey you are pretty cool. A cat rubbing on you is a compliment and means you are probably good to pet him.

What does a crouched body position mean?

Similar to dogs, this means I am really uncomfortable. Leave this cat alone,and let him chill out. Do not try to pet this cat.

What does licking mean?

Licking can mean two things. It can be a grooming behavior. It is cat for hey friend I am going to groom you, because you are so cool. It could also be because you taste good. If you have had a sweaty day, the cat may lick the sweat off of you.

What does swatting mean?

Swatting (unless at a toy during playtime) is a scared behavior. Cats will do this if they are cornered and feel threatened. This is the cat equivalent to a dog growling. It is usually a bite warning. Be aware that if a cat is declawed they may go straight to biting.


Purring almost always means I am really content. You will hear purrs when you are doing a good job petting the cat, or when they are really happy (like about food or treats). There are some (very few) cats who will purr when they are upset. Purring is usually a good thing.


So while cats can be harder to read than dogs, with this guide you will be able to better understand cats. And I will remind you again, ignoring a cat is the best way to say hello to him.

3 Things to Do With A New Puppy


Getting a new puppy is a very exciting time. There are so many things to do, like puppy proofing and potty training, that you know will be good for your puppy in the long run. But what other things can you do to make living with your puppy easier and more fun in the future.

The following is a list of three things, that you may not think of, that will make life with your grown up puppy so much easier.

1.Go to the vet

This may seem simple but go to the vet as soon as possible (ideally within the first ten days) when you get a new puppy. This is important because it gives your vet a baseline to compare to if your puppy gets sick.

Additionally, most breeders and shelters will give you a list of vaccinations that your puppy has gotten and the dates. Make a copy of this and give your vet a copy. This will help your vet schedule vaccinations correctly so that your puppy is protected.

Also talk to your vet about the ideal age to spay or neuter your new puppy. In almost all cases, getting your dog fixed is best for his or her health later in life.

2.Poke, prod and pet

This may seem like a weird idea but it will really pay off in the long run. Puppies are much more amiable to being handled than most adult dogs, so take the opportunity to get your puppy used to it.

Practice common, but potentially stressful tasks like clipping bits of your dog’s nails, brushing teeth, and brushing fur.Also practice giving your dog exams. Run your hands over your dog’s body, check inside his ears, open his mouth, pick up his paws. Letting your puppy get used to this now will make vet exams much easier when your puppy grows into a potentially 50 pound dog.

If you have children, or your dog could be around children, the poke part is important. Even the most well behaved and dog savvy kids ( or their friends) may poke or prod your adult dog. Get your puppy used to this and it will minimize the chance of someone getting bitten.

This includes touching your dog while he eats, taking food, bones and toys out of his mouth, moving the bowl and touching his tail. Every time your puppy does not react to these things, positively reinforce this behavior.


Most people who have dealt with puppies know they have very short attention spans, but you can still train them starting at 8 weeks. Just be sure to use short training sessions and be accepting of the fact that your puppy may have forgotten the last session.During early training find the positive reinforcement method you would like to use, such as treats,a clicker, rubs, or toys.

Some important things to teach your puppy:

-Come: I think this is the single most important command your dog will know.If your dog runs away or gets away from you, a well learned come command makes a big difference.

-How to walk on a leash properly: Teach your puppy how to walk by your side and not to pull.It is much easier to teach a 10 pound puppy this than a 50 pound adult dog.

-Not to eat food off the ground:This may sound like an odd one but this means that you teach your puppy to only eat out of people’s hands and bowls.This is really important because it reduces the chance that your puppy (or adult dog) will eat something harmful off the ground.

There are lots of online resources for training puppies, but it is always good to seek out the help of an experienced dog trainer.

Getting a new puppy is a fun time, full of learning for your puppy and you. These tips should help turn your puppy into a well behaved and easy to handle adult do.

Pupsicles: Cool Dog Treat Recipes

When the warm weather is here it is a challenge to find fun activities for you and your dogs while staying cool. So what can you do to help cool your pup down and keep him entertained? Make him a Pupsicle of course!

What is a Pupsicle?

A Pupsicle is a popsicle made specifically for your dog. It has a dog friendly ingredients, and you can make it at home. There is no need to spend a bunch of money, just use items you already have at home and have fun experimenting!

1. Pick Out Your Container

Your container can be anything that fits in your freezer. You can use a cup, a bowl, or popsicle mold. It will be easier to take your Pupsicle out if the inside of the container is smooth. Ideally this will be multiple small containers so you can make a bunch of Pupsicles all at one time!

2. Add Your Base

This is the liquid part of the Pupsicle and medium that you will be freezing all the other bits in. This can be any dog friendly liquid.

Some liquids you can use as a base:

  • Water
  • Dog safe chicken or beef stock
  • Milk (some dogs are sensitive to milk so be careful)

Fill your container 2/3 of the way with base.

3. Add Your Bits

Your “bits” are the pieces of food you add to the Pupsicle. Bits can be anything your dog likes to eat, just make sure it is dog friendly food. The best bits are ones that will not break apart in water.

Some examples of bits:

  • Fruit: blueberries, apples,watermelon and other dog safe fruit
  • Vegetables: broccoli,carrots,peas and other dog safe veggies
  • Meat: (all meat should be pre-cooked) chicken chunks, hot dog pieces, pieces of wet dog food
  • Treats: use treats that are soft, so that they do not get soggy while they freeze

4. Pick Your Stick

The stick is the part of the pupsicle that sticks out of the container. You can use the stick to pull the frozen pupsicle out of the container. The stick should be rigid and fairly sturdy.

Some examples of a stick:

  • Long, chewable dog toy
  • Dog bone
  • Carrot, or other long veggie or fruit

Place your stick into the middle of your pupsicle.

5. Freeze and Remove

Put the container into the freezer. I know that this will be hard for you and your dog, but wait a few hours until the Pupsicle is frozen solid. To remove the Pupsicle from the container, grasp the stick and lightly pull while running the outside of the container under warm water.

6. Give Your Pup a Cool Treat and Enjoy!

While the Pupsicle melts, it’s going to make a big mess. Give the Pupsicle to your dog outside, or somewhere you don’t mind getting very wet. Always supervise your dog when you give him something new to try.

Pupsicles are a great way to cool your dog down and provide some fun for him! Have you made a Pupsicle for your dog? Show us pictures on social media and share the recipes with a friend!



4 Ways You Can Help Animals In Shelters


According to the ASPCA, there are about 7.6 million dogs and cats in United States shelters each year. As much as you and I may want to, we can’t take home 7.6 million dogs and cats. So what can you do to help animals in shelters and the community?


If you walk your dog(or any dog) frequently you can earn credits(which turn into monetary donations) for a local shelter of your choice using a smartphone app called “Walk for a Dog”. You can use this app to log miles walked with your pooch, and share it with other walkers to increase the amount of credit earned for your shelter.

Check out the website here: http://www.wooftrax.com/


In addition to monetary donations, shelters always need supplies like bleach, paper towels, and other odds and ends.Most shelters have a wish list on their website of items they need donated. I generally make these donations after I go shopping at big box stores(like Costco). I usually buy more paper towels than I can keep in my house, so I donate half to a local shelter.

The Fort Collins Cat Rescue also has a kibble supply program. This program gives food donated by local pet stores and individuals to low income pet owners in the community. The rescue takes donations of both kibble and wet dog and cat food. They will take partially opened bags in original packaging. This is a great use for the rest of that bag of food your kitty does not like. Call the Fort Collins Cat Rescue and Spay Neuter Clinic for more information.

Here are some wish lists for shelters in the Fort Collins area:

Fort Collins Cat Rescue and Spay Neuter Clinic: https://www.fccrsnc.org/Donate_MoneyandItems.php

Larimer Humane Society:http://www.larimerhumane.org/donate/wish-list

Animal House:http://www.animalhousehelp.org/wishlist.php

3. Shop for a cause

Amazon has a program called Amazonsmile, which donates 0.5% of your purchase for most items to a charitable organization of your choice. If you shop on amazon a lot that 0.5% of each purchase can really make a difference.

4. Projects at home

These are really fun projects and are great if you have a group of animal loving kids(or adults) to entertain. The United Way of Larimer County has directions for items you can make at home and donate to animal shelters. These projects are simple, low in cost and can make a big difference. Contact the shelter of your choice to see if they will take what you make or have similar projects.

Fleece dog toys:http://uwaylc.org/wp-content/uploads/wordpress/Service-to-go-Fleece-Rope-Dog-Toy.pdf

Cat Blankets:http://uwaylc.org/wp-content/uploads/wordpress/Service-to-go-Cat-Blankets.pdf

Kitty Forts:http://uwaylc.org/wp-content/uploads/wordpress/Service-to-go-Kitty-Forts.pdf

So, while we can’t take every animal in a shelter home, these activities are a great way to help. Also consider volunteering or fostering for a local shelter if you can. Small things make a big diffrence in the life of shelter pets.



4 Tips for Keeping your Cat Entertained


If you are away from home for a few hours or a few weeks, your cat is bound to notice. Even laid back, lazy cats need something to keep them entertained. Bored cats will often develop “problem behaviors” to keep themselves entertained, like scratching inappropriately. So short of playing with your cat 24/7 what can you do to keep your cat entertained?

1. Cat TV

Most cat owners know the fascination their kitty has with the small animals outside the window, you can easily capitalize on that and keep your kitty entertained for hours. Pick a window you don’t mind turning into your cat’s zone and place a bird feeder within sight, and very close to the window. Fill the bird feeder with seeds and other foods to attract wildlife. Put a cat tree or other area for your cat to sit and watch the bird show.

Just keep an eye on this if you live in an area with free roaming outdoor cats, because they may come to see your kitty and upset her.

2. New Objects 

Most pet parents and human parents are familiar with this situation: you buy an expensive, cool new toy and your pet (or kid) plays with the box. While this can be disappointing, seize this opportunity to find new ways to entertain your cat.

Cardboard Boxes

Give your cat cardboard boxes, newspaper or non-glossy paper and paper bags. For cardboard boxes, be sure to remove any staples, or other dangerous objects of the box including loose tape. I generally like to use food boxes because they have lots of interesting smells in them too, just make sure there is no actual human food left in the box.


You can give your cat newspaper or other types of non-glossy paper. Most newspaper ink is soy based and is safe for use around animals. You can try leaving the paper on the ground for your cat to step on (it makes a cool noise) or crinkling it into balls for you cat to bat around. 

Paper Bags 

Paper bags can be very fun toys for cats, they can hide in them, bat them around and sit on them. You can use the paper bags from the grocery store (just rip the handles off so your cat cannot get caught in them) or the smaller paper lunch sacks.

3. Hiding food 

Wild cats spend most of their time hunting and looking for food. Domestic cats, not so much.One way to keep your cat entertained is to make getting her food a bit hard then just finding the bowl.  There are lots of toys on the market for cats that can be used to make your cat work for her food ( think the cat version of a kong). These are a great option. You can also hide food in the boxes, paper and paper bags from above. Use dry food or treats, as wet food can be messy outside of a bowl. I recommend letting your cat watch you hide the food the first few times so that she gets the idea and make the food easy to get to (leave the box open). You can also you strong smelling treats to help your cat find the food more easily.

4. New Smells 

Cats, as territorial animals, are very interested in new smells of any kind. The key thing with introducing new scents is making sure that they are not toxic if your cat licks the scented area. Keep in mind that your cat may spray urine on the scented spot to mark over the new smell. If he does this then scents are not a good enrichment option. You can use a variety of smells, food and natural. Something I find works really well is microwaving a hot dog in a paper towel, the hot dog juices will get on the paper towel and you can wipe this on the surface you want to scent, like a cardboard box. You can use a similar method for most types of meat, or use the juice in wet cat food. Herbs are also an option. Most types of mint, like catnip, are safe for cats and some other herbs and flowers are.

This is an incomplete list of some safe plants:

  • Lemongrass
  • Parsley
  • Zinnias
  • Thyme
  • Rosemary
  • Lavender

For herbs, you can either rub them on surfaces or place them in satchels (just make sure your cat does not try to eat the satchel).

5. Hire a Cat Sitter!

Just like a dog walker, you can have a cat sitter come to your home and play with your kitties when you are out of town or just busy. Our sitters are experts at making friends with new cats and devising ways to keep them entertained, including bringing fresh catnip that we grow just for our clients. Contact Us to discuss some options that work well for your cat!

A Day in the Life of Kit the Dog: An Outing to Bones du Jour


Written by Kit (with help from Gillian Rankin aka Mom)

The day started out like any other, but little did I know my mom had a surprise for me in store. It was a couple of weeks ago and I thought I was tagging a long for some of my mom’s errands when we stopped in a parking lot I didn’t recognize and she opened MY door. It turns out that parking lot was home to a locally owned dog bakery called Bones du Jour and at first I thought I had died and gone to heaven!

Man, what can I say, when you walk into this bakery (conveniently located within walking distance of my favorite local hangout, City Park) you are greeted by the wonderful sounds of dogs saying hello and the aroma of all of my favorite smells. Then, as if out of my dreams, a wonderful stranger appeared bearing the most delicious biscuits I had ever tasted. This woman turned out to be none other than “biscuitologist” and Bones du Jour owner, Sue Carroll.

My mom and Sue began talking, while I began my investigation. I was looking for the source of these wonderful smells! While wandering I overheard Sue saying that she had been baking since 2004 (which is 63 years in dog years!).



Now, I consider myself a biscuit connoisseur of sorts, so this visit quickly became an opportunity to test my skills. Every so often Sue would have to step to the back to check the oven and when she returned, she brought with her samples for me to try. In the first, I detected notes of pumpkin and ginger, and the second tasted strongly of peanut butter! My favorite, though, would probably have to have been buffalo liver. Yum!

Everything Sue does at Bones du Jour is all-natural, but I didn’t miss any of the bad stuff! She took out all the preservatives and fats that us dogs only think we need. Instead, she uses whole grains and other locally sourced ingredients.

My mom reminded me that this was not the first time I had tasted Sue’s biscuits. It was actually at Animal House, a local dog rescue, where she had donated treats to their annual ‘Comedy Night’ event. My mom tells me that she sees her all over town, though! I’m told you can find her at our local farmer’s markets. I highly recommend you stop in to see Sue, and be sure to tell her Kit sent you!



A Special thanks to Bones du Jour for allowing us to come visit!

To visit them yourself get your parents to take you to 1720 W. Mulberry #B8, Fort Collins, CO  80521. You will love it too!

Merry Christmas from Your Wet Noses Pet Sitting!


All of your Wet Noses Pet Sitting hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends!

5 Gifts for Pet Lovers


Do you have a few pet lovers on your gift giving list this year? Are you stumped and just don’t know what to get them? Buying for a dog lover may seem like an overwhelming task but it really isn’t that tricky. We have the top gifts for pet lovers that will keep them happy this holiday season. Keep reading.

Motorola Wifi Pet Cam
will keep your pet loving friend in touch with his pampered pet 24/7. This Pet Cam provides direct access all day and night via a smart phone, tablet or computer. The pet lover in your life can record live video and take snapshots of his pet while he’s away. The zoom, pan and tilt features make capturing a few moments with a pet that much easier. Who doesn’t want to peek in on their pet while they’re at work or away on business or vacation?

A custom pet portrait pendant will keep your loved one’s pet close to his heart. These custom made pendants are truly created with THE most discerning pet lover in mind. The artist, Erin Harris, designs the pendant from a photo of the pet. These pendants are made by hand in Richmond, Vermont!

How about the Fresh Air Pampered Dog Stroller? This stroller comes in six sizes and will accommodate dogs up to 60 pounds. It provides safety features that allow the dog to be completely zipped in while still receiving plenty of open air and a great view via the mesh enclosure. It has plenty of storage and folds up in a jiffy. An evening stroll (or run) never looked so good, right?

The pet lover in your life can have his pizza and dine with his pet too with the Pizza for Two Dog and Owner Basket! You know how it goes. Most pet owners feel guilty as they’re lapping up goodies and their pet pal just gets to sit by and watch. Besides, any pet lover will be overjoyed to know that his best canine pal was on the receiving end of your thoughtful gift.

If the pet lover in your life likes to curl up with a good book while his dog or cat naps at his feet then Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul, will warm his heart. (warning …. Pet Parent may shed a few tears). This Chicken Soup collection “relates the unique bonds between animals and the people whose lives they’ve changed”.

So, keep these cool gifts for pet lovers in mind as you shop for the pet lover in your life. Let us know how it goes! Happy Shopping!