Homemade Dog Treats Recipe


Most dogs love treats, but if you have a picky dog finding the right treat can be a challenge. This recipe is for some delicious homemade dog treats. You can make this recipe as is, or add in flavors your dog likes.

So here is the basic recipe.


  • Water or Milk
  • Peanut butter
  • Baking powder
  • Flour

* Make sure the peanut butter is dog safe ( does not contain xylitol)

*For a lower fat option use water or skim milk


  1. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees, and grease a baking sheet
  2. Mix 1 cup liquid and 1 cup peanut butter in a bowl until it is well combined
  3. In another bowl mix a tablespoon of baking powder with 2 cups of flour
  4. Add the powder to the liquid mix, and mix it together
  5. Take a tablespoon of dough and roll it into a ball
  6. Place the dough ball on the baking sheet
  7. Bake the treats for 10-15 minutes

So this is the basic recipe but you can add things in to vary the treats and to suit your dog’s taste

Possible add-ins:

  • Herbs (mint, parsley, rosemary, oregano)
  • Veggies (carrots, broccoli, green beans, peas)
  • Fruit (blueberries, banana, apple)
  • Pre-cooked meat (hot dog bits, chicken shreds)

For add-ins, cut them so that each piece is less than a 1/4 inch in length

*Add-ins should all be dog-safe foods

Try lots of variations on this recipe to find the one that your dog likes best. With a few add-ins and some experimentation, these homemade dog treats should suite the even the most discerning canine palette.

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