How Being a Fur Dad Can Change Your Life

How Being a Fur Dad Can Change Your Life

According to a US research psychologist named Chris Blazina, up to 42% or middle-aged men turn to their dog, not other people in their social circles, for emotional support during tough times! Dog ownership promotes positive changes in the lives of these fur dads. 

Having a dog provides men of all ages with unconditional emotional support. The pure love and consistent presence of a dog give men a non-judgemental and risk free ability to trust. Having this close relationship with their dog allows many men to access deep feelings without the fear of rejection. 

Much of the reason for men feeling so close to their pet is as men get older their social networks get smaller. Reaching out to a dog or other pet fills that important void and helps them to maintain a balanced outlook on life. 

There is growing evidence in some studies from 1950 to 2019, showing that dog ownership helps lower stress and improve cardiovascular health through routine walking, playing, or just hanging out. A quicker recovery from surgery is another benefit. In fact dog owners are “four times” more likely to meet their own daily physical activity goals! 

More and more information is coming out about how having a dog can help those with PTSD. Having a pet means less sick days overall. Dogs can be trained for service for specific issues and have proven to enhance the overall happiness of the men who have them. The feeling of loneliness is reduced and some reports say as high as 40% of pet owners report having a pet makes it easier for them to make friends. 

When a man chooses to include a pet in his family unit it shows others the loving more nurturing side of his personality. This close bond that is forged between a man and his dog is evidence of an honest and caring relationship. 

When a guy is outside playing with his dog or walking he is naturally more relaxed and approachable. This means conversations will usually start with “Your dog is so cute!” And who doesn’t want a wing man that is so adorable that even the lifelong Eeyore cannot escape feeling better just being in the presence of a smiley face tail wagging bundle of joy! 

Men have stated many reasons that they have a dog, and some of them are down right funny. 

  • Dog’s like to go hunting and fishing. 
  • The later YOU are, the more excited they are! 
  • Dog’s love it when you leave a lot of things on the floor. 
  • You never have to wait for a dog. They are ready to go 24 hours a day! 

Really though, the primary reason for men having a dog is pretty basic. They want to share their life with a warm furry friend! But, be sure to consider your own lifestyle and the commitment of time, energy, and finances required over the lifetime of having a dog. 

What Breed of Dog do Men Choose?

Let’s have a look at some of the breeds of dogs that men choose . Some of the reasons a man may choose a particular dog is it can show that they are responsible and capable of meeting the needs of another. Handling a strong big breed dog shows strength and many men enjoy a solid physical dog for the lifestyle that they live. 

1. Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever is a popular breed choice of men. The Labrador is easily trained, active, and smart. This can communicate to others that the man who has one, is kind and empathetic to those around him. 

2. Siberian Husky

The athletic temperament of the Siberian Husky makes them a strong contender for companionship. They exude confidence and are a perfect match for the highly active man. Keep in mind that they will need daily brushing to keep their thick coats healthy.

3. Vizsla

Vizsla’s are a sleek low maintenance coated dog with high energy to fulfill the expectations of the most avid jogger or hiker. They are truly devoted to their owners and adore snuggling when not in “go” mode. 

Free Hungarian Vizsla Dog photo and picture

4. Cane Corso

Cane Corso are the bodyguard type of dog. As a working dog they require mental and physical stimulation. Many top out at 120 pounds! Being a strong willed dog requires consistent and positive direction from puppyhood on to maintain a well balanced dog. 

Free Cane Corso Dog photo and picture

5. Australian Shepherd

The Australian Shepherd is a wonderfully intelligent active dog. They are ideal for the man who loves varied activities and has the ability to engage them enough to use up their boundless energy and match their mental strengths.  

6. Border Collie

No list is complete for the active man without the smart Border Collie. They seem to be “Man” in dog form. They have an insane work ethic and are always looking for a challenge. That doesn’t mean though, that they haven’t perfected the ability to “chill” when the moment calls for it!  

7. English Mastiff

English Mastiffs are another “BIG” manly dog. They are a puddle of loose skin and low energy that are a great match for the guy who prefers watching the latest game to a long hike. The Mastiffs do drool more than most and due to their size of up to 220 pounds their lifespan is shorter than other larger breeds.  

8. German Shepherd

German Shepherds are the loyal, strong, smart friend that protects and knows how to have fun. This breed has been a favorite with men for years. 

Free Shepherd Dog Dog photo and picture

There are several other large breeds that men love, such as the French Bulldog, English Bulldog, Rhodesian Ridgeback and Beagle. Any of these breeds and more will all bring their own breed specific tendencies with them. Any man would be thrilled to have one of these amazing breeds in their life! 

It’s important to remember that each dog is an individual and as such will have a different personality. Hey guys! Don’t forget to look at the mutt for an excellent companion and when you are seeking the perfect pup, please consider rescues and shelter dogs. 

So guys, having your dog makes you more approachable, keeps you healthier and makes your life a whole lot happier. Pup dad’s everywhere, you can lead the life you envision with the perfect dog companion sharing your space!