Why do Cats Sleep so Much?

Why do Cats Sleep so Much?

Are you ever curious why cats sleep so much? Scientists have studied the sleeping habits of kitties it turns out they can sleep 12 – 20 hours a day! If there was an Olympic medal for sleeping then our house-lions would take bronze, silver and gold! In this blog, we’ll explore why felines need so much sleep and discuss how understanding their sleeping habits can help keep your cat healthy. We’ll also explain what crepuscular activity is and how it affects your cat’s sleeping patterns. Sleep is an essential part of your cat’s life, and understanding why felines need to sleep so much can help ensure your pet remains healthy and happy.

Why do cats sleep so much?

Cats are one of the sleepiest creatures on the planet. In fact, they spend up to 16 hours a day sleeping! This 16 hours spent asleep is the same amount as their bigger wild relatives. This can increase to 18 hours as indoor cats sleep more than outdoor kitties.  Mostly because they have fewer concerns or worries.

So, why do cats sleep so much?

One reason is that they are crepuscular, which means that they are most active during dawn and dusk. To conserve energy during the rest of the day, cats sleep for long periods. Additionally, sleep is important for felines as it helps them to recharge their batteries, maintain their body temperature, and keep their immune systems in top condition. While asleep, cats go through various stages of sleep, including deep sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. These stages are crucial for maintaining cognitive function and overall well-being. So, the next time you see your cat dozing off, remember that they are following their natural sleep patterns while maintaining their health and vitality.

What does crepuscular mean?

Here is a fun word: crepuscular! Crepuscular is an adjective used to describe animals that are most active during the hours of dawn and dusk. This term is particularly associated with cats, as they are crepuscular animals by nature.
One reason why cats sleep so much is because their crepuscular nature means that they have bursts of energy during these hours, and they need rest between to fuel their activity. Another reason why cats need to sleep for long periods of time is because their sleep is crucial for their health and well-being. During sleep, cats are able to rest and recharge, and their body can carry out important functions such as cell repair and growth.
By getting enough sleep, cats are able to maintain their energy levels, keep their immune system strong, and stay healthy

What is the importance of sleep for cats?

Felines love to sleep, and they do so for good reasons. While it may seem like they are lazy creatures, they are, in fact, designed for restful sleep. This is because they are crepuscular animals, meaning they are most active during the twilight hours of the day. So, they need to rest and conserve their energy during the other parts of the day. Also, cats need more sleep than humans because their sleep cycle is different. They experience more light sleep and have shorter deep sleep stages, which results in them needing to sleep for a longer period of time to feel rested. Furthermore, sleep is essential for kitties to maintain good health as this is the time that their body repairs and regenerates tissues, builds bone and muscle, and strengthens their immune system. Thus, if a cat is not getting enough sleep, it can lead to several health issues. To ensure that your cat gets the rest they need, provide them with a warm and comfortable place to sleep, away from any distractions that could disrupt their rest.
Our kitties are also carnivores, meat eaters, and generally they sleep more than herbivores Wild cats are meat eaters so they sleep to recover energy to hunt again and because our cats behavior mirrors that of their wild ancestors they sleep a lot too. Even though the farthest any of my cats have ever traveled to get food is from the top of the couch to the counter where I have placed their bowl!

What are the benefits of sleep for cats?

Kitties sleep for long periods of time, with some cats sleeping up to 20 hours a day. But why do cats sleep so much, and how does it benefit them? The answer lies in their biology. Cats are crepuscular animals, meaning they are most active during dawn and dusk. Sleeping for long periods of time during the day allows them to conserve energy for their peak activity times. Additionally, our house-panthers are predators, and their sleep patterns reflect their hunting habits. They often sleep for short periods of time throughout the day and night to recharge their energy and be ready for quick bursts of activity to catch prey. Sleep is also important for a cats’ health and well-being. During sleep, cats are able to repair and regenerate their bodies and minds, improving their immunity, cognitive function, and health. As always, it’s important to make sure your kitty has a comfortable and safe place to sleep, and that they are getting enough sleep for their age and activity level.

Is my cat sleeping too much?

If they sleep excessively and lose interest in playtime and meals, it could be a sign of illness or depression. Ruling out medical reasons and the age of your cat you need not worry that Felix is getting too much sleep. The same is true if you house-jaguar is sleeping too little. As long as they are acting their usual selves there is typically no reason for concern.
Let’s face it, most of us cat parents kind of admire the way our cats look at life.  It is a proven fact that cats improve our health by reducing stress. As long as your feline companion is getting enough exercise and a balanced diet, there is no need to worry about their napping habits.
Still concerned about your kitties napping habits? It may be time for a trip to the vet.


Although kitties may sleep for up to 16 hours a day, this is perfectly normal behavior for them. While cats are known for being independent, they rely on sleep for their physical and mental well-being. During their periods of rest, cats are able to recharge their energy levels, improve their cognitive function, and enhance their immune system. It’s also worth noting that, as crepuscular animals, felines have evolved to be most active during dusk and dawn, making it necessary for them to sleep at other times of the day.
Take the time today to appreciate your cat’s ability to sleep.  There is nothing quite like giving a light ear rub to a slumbering cat, that is then met by a soft mew of your perfectly wonderful feline.   Bliss unmatched!