What Pet Sitting Visits Do I Need For My Iguana?

Iguanas are extraordinary creatures that require a unique set of considerations when it comes to their care. From their specific dietary needs to their intricate habitat requirements, these green wonders deserve the highest quality care, even when you’re away. At Wet Noses Pet Sitting, we understand the importance of finding a pet sitter who is knowledgeable, experienced, and dedicated to providing exceptional care for your iguana – big or small!

Below you will find two of our recommended schedules for iguanas.

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Iguana Option #1

This is an ideal schedule for iguanas that need to be cared for twice a day.

15 or 30 Minute Breakfast Visit – Your sitter will arrive in the morning to care for your iguana. During this visit, we can check your enclosure to make sure it is secure, change food and water, and clean the enclosure if needed. If your iguana spends the day in a different enclosure than at night, we can move your iguana if it can be done safely (not all iguanas love new people). Lights and heaters can be turned on or adjusted as needed. Fresh food can be prepared in the way your iguana is used to. The length of the visit should be determined by how much care is needed. 

15 or 30 Minute Dinner Visit – Your sitter will arrive around for dinner to provide food, water, or other care that is needed. This can be additional feeding, movement from a daytime enclosure to a night enclosure, and anything you normally do to keep the routine the same. 

Iguana Option #2

This is an ideal schedule for iguanas that only need to be checked on once daily.

15  or 30 Minute VisitYour sitter will arrive and check on your iguana. This visit can be done at whatever time of day you prefer, based on what your iguana is used to. We prefer to keep the schedule as similar as possible, so we will try to match the time you usually care for your iguana. During this visit we can check your enclosure to make sure it is secure, change food and water and clean the enclosure if needed. The length of visit should be determined by how much cleaning and care needs to be done.


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Our Considerations for Iguanas

For iguanas, there are some very specific steps we take to keep them as safe and relaxed as possible.

  • Your sitter will want to know the routine of your iguana and the normal behaviors they should be exhibiting. This will allow your sitter to recognize any concerning behaviors and take action before they become serious.
  • Iguanas can make a mess of their food and water. Your sitter will need access to your supplies in case any issues arise.
  • If you have had any health problems with your iguana recently, please discuss these with your sitter so she can watch for specific symptoms.
  • If your iguana is not friendly with new people, we will need to work together to devise a plan for your iguana to receive the best care while also ensuring the safety of your sitter.

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Time to Customize!

We want to work with you to set up the best possible schedule for your iguana, so you are all happy during your trip. We also know that each home is different, and a lot of people have more than just one pet! After you have the basic idea of your schedule we sit down to figure out the nitty-gritty:

  • Are there any other pets in the home that need feeding, medication, etc? We make sure your visit has enough time to get everything done.
  • We have time to clean out food and water bowls, clean up any messes, etc.
  • Many people who love animals, also love plants! Short visits do not have a lot of time for plants. If you need the sitter to water more than 1-2 plants, we will need to schedule a longer visit for those days. If you have beautiful summer gardens, then we need to see how long they take to water and add that on to your normal visits.
  • Household tasks such as; bringing in the newspaper, collecting the mail, turning lights off and on and taking out the trash. This can all be done on your normal schedule.
  • Do you want updates every visit? Many clients do, just keep in mind that your sitter will take a couple minutes to send an update.
  • Keep in mind that it will take a sitter a bit longer to get the work done than it takes you. Especially if you have extensive routines for your pets and home. You have had years to perfect your system! We always try to make sure your pet sitter will have enough time for everything. That way they will not feel stressed and your pets will receive the focus they deserve.

Work With Us to Keep Your Iguana Happy While You are Gone!