Tag Archive for: feeding

Homemade Dog Treats Recipe


Most dogs love treats, but if you have a picky dog finding the right treat can be a challenge. This recipe is for some delicious homemade dog treats. You can make this recipe as is, or add in flavors your dog likes.

So here is the basic recipe.


  • Water or Milk
  • Peanut butter
  • Baking powder
  • Flour

* Make sure the peanut butter is dog safe ( does not contain xylitol)

*For a lower fat option use water or skim milk


  1. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees, and grease a baking sheet
  2. Mix 1 cup liquid and 1 cup peanut butter in a bowl until it is well combined
  3. In another bowl mix a tablespoon of baking powder with 2 cups of flour
  4. Add the powder to the liquid mix, and mix it together
  5. Take a tablespoon of dough and roll it into a ball
  6. Place the dough ball on the baking sheet
  7. Bake the treats for 10-15 minutes

So this is the basic recipe but you can add things in to vary the treats and to suit your dog’s taste

Possible add-ins:

  • Herbs (mint, parsley, rosemary, oregano)
  • Veggies (carrots, broccoli, green beans, peas)
  • Fruit (blueberries, banana, apple)
  • Pre-cooked meat (hot dog bits, chicken shreds)

For add-ins, cut them so that each piece is less than a 1/4 inch in length

*Add-ins should all be dog-safe foods

Try lots of variations on this recipe to find the one that your dog likes best. With a few add-ins and some experimentation, these homemade dog treats should suite the even the most discerning canine palette.

Pupsicles: Cool Dog Treat Recipes

When the warm weather is here it is a challenge to find fun activities for you and your dogs while staying cool. So what can you do to help cool your pup down and keep him entertained? Make him a Pupsicle of course!

What is a Pupsicle?

A Pupsicle is a popsicle made specifically for your dog. It has a dog friendly ingredients, and you can make it at home. There is no need to spend a bunch of money, just use items you already have at home and have fun experimenting!

1. Pick Out Your Container

Your container can be anything that fits in your freezer. You can use a cup, a bowl, or popsicle mold. It will be easier to take your Pupsicle out if the inside of the container is smooth. Ideally this will be multiple small containers so you can make a bunch of Pupsicles all at one time!

2. Add Your Base

This is the liquid part of the Pupsicle and medium that you will be freezing all the other bits in. This can be any dog friendly liquid.

Some liquids you can use as a base:

  • Water
  • Dog safe chicken or beef stock
  • Milk (some dogs are sensitive to milk so be careful)

Fill your container 2/3 of the way with base.

3. Add Your Bits

Your “bits” are the pieces of food you add to the Pupsicle. Bits can be anything your dog likes to eat, just make sure it is dog friendly food. The best bits are ones that will not break apart in water.

Some examples of bits:

  • Fruit: blueberries, apples,watermelon and other dog safe fruit
  • Vegetables: broccoli,carrots,peas and other dog safe veggies
  • Meat: (all meat should be pre-cooked) chicken chunks, hot dog pieces, pieces of wet dog food
  • Treats: use treats that are soft, so that they do not get soggy while they freeze

4. Pick Your Stick

The stick is the part of the pupsicle that sticks out of the container. You can use the stick to pull the frozen pupsicle out of the container. The stick should be rigid and fairly sturdy.

Some examples of a stick:

  • Long, chewable dog toy
  • Dog bone
  • Carrot, or other long veggie or fruit

Place your stick into the middle of your pupsicle.

5. Freeze and Remove

Put the container into the freezer. I know that this will be hard for you and your dog, but wait a few hours until the Pupsicle is frozen solid. To remove the Pupsicle from the container, grasp the stick and lightly pull while running the outside of the container under warm water.

6. Give Your Pup a Cool Treat and Enjoy!

While the Pupsicle melts, it’s going to make a big mess. Give the Pupsicle to your dog outside, or somewhere you don’t mind getting very wet. Always supervise your dog when you give him something new to try.

Pupsicles are a great way to cool your dog down and provide some fun for him! Have you made a Pupsicle for your dog? Show us pictures on social media and share the recipes with a friend!



The Dangers of Xylitol in Peanut Butter

The Dangers of Xylitol in Peanut Butter Header

The Dangers of Xylitol in Peanut Butter

Recently, there has been a post going around Facebook telling dog parents not to give their dogs peanut butter. If you look further into why peanut butter can be deadly to your pup, you will find xylitol to blame.

So what the heck is it? Xylitol is a food additive that is used to replace sugar in many foods. It is found in hundreds of food and health products, such as gum, human toothpaste, vitamins, and now peanut butter. While xylitol is perfectly safe for humans it is extremely toxic to dogs. Potentially more toxic than chocolate.

When minimal amounts of xylitol is used are used  (like doggie mouth wash) it is perfectly safe for your dog. However, the concentrations of the sweetener in most human food is very dangerous to your dog and can cause poisoning.

Dog being fed peanut butter

What are the symptoms of xylitol poisoning in dogs?

  • Vomiting
  • Weakness
  • Incoordination or difficulty walking or standing (walking like drunk)
  • Depression or lethargy
  • Tremors
  • Seizures
  • Coma

Left untreated poisoning can lead to liver damage. These symptoms typically show up 10-60 minutes after eating it.

What should you do?

1. Always read the labels of any product you giver your pooch and look for potentially poisonous things. Only some brands of peanut butter have this type of deadly sweetener in them.
2. Do not leave gum or toothpaste where your dog can get to them.
3. If your dog does eat xylitol, call your vet right away.

With veterinary care arriving quickly, your dog will hopefully be able to have a full recovery.

What peanut butter is safe?

Many brands don’t contain xylitol but if you want to be extra cautious you should purchase a dog-safe peanut butter. Here are a few brands on the market that all fit different pet owners needs.

Pawnut Butter

Green Coast Pet Pawnut Butter @ $9.99

Super Snouts Nutty Dog CBD Spread @ $29.99

Natural Peanut Butter For Dogs | Woof Butter – woofbutter.com

woof butter Natural Peanut Butter @ £3.99

What about birch sugar?

Did you know another name for xylitol in peanut butter is birch sugar? With more companies being aware of consumers hesitancy towards purchasing products containing xylitol they have come up with other ways to label xylitol-containing products.

Birch Sugar is another name for Xylitol

Once you’ve checked your peanut butter labels, why not try our Peanut Butter Molasses Dog Treats. Did we miss something? Let us know in the comments or @WetNosesPetSitting.

Feeding Schedules and Pet Diets


Trying to establish feeding schedules for your pet shouldn’t be stressful for either you or your pet. There is really no hard and fast rule for pet diets. There are arguments on both sides of the fence. To Free Feed or to Schedule feed…what is the answer? Pet diets really depends on the individual pets themselves. I know of pets who can graze all day and ones who would eat until they bust. Once you have determined which kind, free feed or schedule, you have to start there. Does your dog eat a few kibbles every hour? Then by all means free feed them. If your pet needs a schedule then set them up on one. Morning, and early evening are common routines. Just put together the best routine for you and your pet. There is really no one size fits all.

Your pet is expected to reach 90% of their adult weight by nine to twelve months. Once they hit that weight then they are considered adults and should begin to be fed an adult maintenance diet.

Read the labels on your pet’s food and ensure that is what they are being fed. Another debate that continues is that it is the type of diet that rules supreme. Again, not a one size fits all
category. Largely, it depends on your purse strings, your dog’s preference and if it meets all of your pups nutritional needs. Kibble tends to have a better shelf life and is easier on the pocketbook. Wet food needs to be stored with a bit more care and can be more expensive. Raw pet diets or homemade pet diets can work well however, they can be more expensive and most importantly it is very hard to ensure you cover all the nutritional bases. Vitamins, proteins, minerals and fatty acids all need to be prepared in your pet’s food for proper nutritional guidelines. If you want to go that route, please work with a certified nutritionist or under the advice of your veterinarian.  Most importantly, educate yourself on exactly what it is that you are putting in your pet’s tummy!

If you have questions or are not sure what would work best for your pet, visit with your vet and discuss your pet’s individual needs. You may have to adjust and readjust schedules and diets until you find the best fit for your pet and your lifestyle.