Setup Process for Wet Noses Pet Sitting

Choosing a pet sitter or dog walker is a hard decision. Read about Wet Noses Pet Sitting and reach out to us to get your questions answered. The #1 question we have is how the process works to get set up after you have decided to move ahead and have us be your pet sitter.

This is the process following your decision to move ahead:

  1. We will get your name, phone number, and email. We will use this information to set up your profile.
  2. We will send you an email inviting you to fill out your profile.
  3. Fill out your profile which includes: your address, pet information, home care, etc. You will also add your payment information and request your visits.
  4. Once we have all of this information, we will pair you with a sitter and send you an email confirmation of your appointment. We will also send you an email providing you with details about your sitter, outlining our policies and the next steps. In this email, there is also a link to a veterinary release form that we need you to fill out. We will add it to your profile after receiving it.
  5. At this point, everything is set up for your appointment.
  6. About a week and a half before your appointment your sitter will contact you to set up a meeting. This might be via email or phone, depending on your sitter. If they do not hear back from you in a day or two they will try to contact you again.
  7. Have the meeting with your sitter. During this meeting, you will introduce your pets, provide keys and go over all of the details for the care of your pets and home.
  8. We will follow up after your meeting to make sure you do not have any questions.
  9. Go on your trip, relax and enjoy yourself!

This seems like a lot of steps and can be involved, but it does not take as long as you think! Plus once you get set up you will be ready to go in the future. When you need visits after this you just request them in your profile and we will get them set up!

Reach out today and ask us any questions you may have. Or if you are ready to get set up let us know and we will get your profile set up!

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