Responsible Dog Ownership Day


Did you know that September 19th is Responsible Dog Ownership Day? And there’s never a bad time to brush up on some dog ownership basics. Here a few tips to brush up on to make sure our canine companions are taken care of as best as ownership

Healthy Eating Habits

The first step in establishing healthy eating habits for your dog is to talk with your vet. They will help you decide what type and how much food is right for your dog. Depending on breed, weight, age, and activity levels the amount your vet can help you make sure your dog is getting all the right nutrition.

  • Feed them at the same time every day. Don’t let them graze all day long.
  • Avoid overfeeding to keep them at a healthy weight. This includes treats too!
  • Always have easy access to clean water
  • Clean their food and water bowls often to prevent mold and bacteria from building up.
  • Don’t feed them table scraps. It’s can be hard, but they usually end up with an upset stomach from eating “people food.”

Hygiene & Medical Care Counts

Keeping your dog healthy and happy starts at home. Don’t wait until they get sick to take them to the vet. Schedule yearly check-ups to make sure that they stay on the right track. Preventing sickness is far easier than trying to cure it.

  • Schedule yearly visits with the vet.
  • Keep up with their vaccinations
  • Give them regular flea and heartworm treatments
  • Make sure their teeth and gums stay clean with dental chews and regular brushing.
  • Keep a canine first aid kit on hand
  • Don’t forget to spay and neuter your pet


Give Them a Safe Home

Dog ownership means giving your dog a place to call home. They need enough space to move around comfortably and safely.  Even if they are an “outside” dog, they need access to a shelter to protect them from the elements.

  • Give them their own blanket, bed or crate. If you’re using a crate make sure they have enough room to stand up, sit, turn around and die down in.
  • Dog-proof the area. Remove chemicals like antifreeze, toxic plants, cords, and garbage cans from places your dog will frequently be.
  • Make sure the climate is appropriate, especially if they are outside.
  • Never leave them tied up in the yard while you’re away. They can easily get wrapped up and choke.


Keep Them Moving, Active and Engaged

Just like humans, dogs need exercise and mental stimulation to stay healthy. A bored dog will often get in more trouble because they are looking for something to do. Plus, keeping them active prevents obesity and all of the complications that come from being overweight.

  • Walk them regularly.
  • Get them treat puzzles to keep them busy when you’re not home.
  • Play games like tug-o-war and fetch with them.
  • Don’t forget to cuddle with them and give lots of positive reinforcement.


Dog ownership is a very big and very rewarding responsibility. They look to us for their basic care and also for comfort and stability. That’s why it’s so important to make sure we’re always giving our dog’s all of our love and care.


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